

You really are all over this post trying to redirect the conversation toward riots. One doesn't cancel the other out. And your clunky, inelegant pivots could use some work.

Did you not read the article? No rational person thinks that voting for a man over a woman is fundamentally anti-feminist. The point is that MB's rhetoric eerily mimics that of the sexist loudmouths who've crawled out from under their rocks during the election season.

But that ignores what he said just before it, which is that those conversations shouldn't be had in front of black people…because they're delicate flowers? Because they don't like gays? I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

That's the red pill in him talking.

She looked like RuPaul, though. Gotta work that subconscious messaging.

It also made me think of a factoid I read during the recent "Sulu is gay" reveal, which is that at one point there were only a few working actors who were completely fluent in both English and Korean. Even gen 1.5ers aren't necessarily 100% fluent at an educated adult level, since our language skills often get frozen

Your educated Taiwanese wife should probably consider that this show is about a working class family from a poor background with upwardly mobile aspirations, and what this "insulting" show depicts resonates with a lot of immigrant families.

That's what happens when you've been a piece of $hit human every day of your life since you were 18. Receipts of this magnitude could come out every day from now until the election and still not exhaust the archive of horrible crap he's said and done to people.

I think your mistake is thinking about the effect it will have on black people when you should be thinking about why it won't have an effect on white people.

I think you're collapsing descriptive and prescriptive tendencies into the same syllogism, and it doesn't make all that much sense. The fact that the size of events doesn't always correspond to the size of the change doesn't prove that people are wrong to be frustrated that tragedy results in a non-response.

People are tired of extending compassion and empathy to the part of the polity that supports laws that literally kill us. It's not an issue of the same moral thickness as funding infrastructure or deciding whose town office building gets money for a makeover this year or any of the issues that make up 99% of politics.

For whatever reason, most civil rights movements these days are a mix of good, bad, and ugly. Let's hope Caitlyn's bad fades from cultural prominence and the eyes she opened remain so.

Well, that's sure to make Kate feel warmer toward gender roles.

I don't know, I think this really overstates Michelle's anti-grunge determinism. For one thing, we have no idea whether Adore's style of drag was going to be trashed, because she never managed to put together a successful and coherent grunge look on the show. It's hard to say she was inevitably going to fail when she

Well, apparently they're *really* not speaking on your behalf.

I don't know, a movie that is genuinely critical of the problems of transracial adoption (and the blindspots of the parents) seems like a positive thing on the whole.

…That's what you got from my post? Seriously? For the love of god, are you just going around leaving mindless comments on anything that has "systematic" and "racism" in the same line?

costcosamplez is a shameless compulsive troll who secretly yearns to be ignored and therefore stopped. It's a cry for help from the deep!

I think like most definition drift problems, it's ultimately motivated by a fear of what unrigorous thinkers might do. As long as "racism" as a technical term covers both interpersonal and structural events, there will be people who look at POC insulting White people, call it racism, and think it "cancels" White