
"The luckiest beneficiary of this post-nomination bump was Hacksaw Ridge, perhaps the most surprising addition to the Best Picture lineup; its more than 400-percent increase in ticket sales from last week to this one officially completes Mel Gibson’s showbiz redemption arc. Because what we really need right now is

I accept your apology, I just feel that the website changed its focus from "Sarcastic look at entertainment", to "Endless and repetitive complaining about Trump" a la Cracked.

Who pissed in your Cheerios today?

Well, you're clearly accepting of other people's reasonable opinions that differ from yours. This really is a poor man's Tumblr.

"For its part, Stereogum ran an article simply titled “Fuck Slayer,” which is a completely reasonable response given the band’s quick turn toward alt-right trolling."

"However, despite their widened scope, this year’s Razzies nominations have followed the usual pattern of fixating upon a handful of critically panned-but-profitable titles, allowing the awards show to have it both ways in terms of capitalizing upon the films’ popularity while still ostensibly roasting them."

This Inventory makes me wish I owned a "Buck Fush" t-shirt and a "Howard Dean 2004" car sticker.

I'm not saying they don't, I'm actually really looking forward to this movie because of the director and Armie Hammer, it's just that his argument is so overused and simplistic that I can't take it seriously.

"[…] and despite the fact that we live in 2017 now, it’s billed as a “gay love story” and not just a “love story.”"

Where most sane people see a guy struggling to hold on, Katie Rife sees that dreaded white male privilege. Amazing.

"…Episode II is the Jan Brady of the prequel trilogy, and the prequel trilogy is the Jan Brady of the Star Wars ennealogy."

Wait, if Clayton clearly has an ax to grind with Zack Snyder, why did he dedicate a whole article promoting a video he doesn't like by a man he clearly hates? You're not being sarcastic, you're just coming off as weirdly bitter about the whole thing. I didn't like the movie either, but calm down dude, nobody cares.

Yes, we get it A.V. Club, you guys don't like Trump. Can we please move on?

"Speaking of—despite never having reached No. 1, between domestic and box-office receipts, Ghostbusters (currently at No. 7) has now officially earned back its production budget at $158 million, a statement that surely someone, somewhere, is currently spinning into a statement on women busting ghosts, or wearing

Cool they turned a funny book into a lame Psych rip-off.

Signing petitions, because those are always successful 100% of the time.