
And I say that’s bullshit. Nobody is calling them ‘illegal’ as a noun, but as an adjective. This is just silly.

Except no. He spends the entire paragraph talking about why ‘alien’ is offensive, not the term ‘illegal’.

Nah. If they overstayed their visa, then they’re not legal anymore. Nothing difficult about that. And immigration limbo... what does that even mean. Are they here legally or not? It’s pretty simple as far as I’m concerned. This is just political correctness run amok.

Turkey violates turkish airspace all the time? Did you mean Russia or America? You’re right it probably wasn’t necessary to shoot the plane down. But you can’t heap all the blame on Turkey either. I don’t doubt the plane knew it was in Turkish airspace and decided to ignore warnings time and time again. I wish Turkey

I’m seeing zero savings on the iPad air 2’s compared to just buying them direct from Apple. Am I missing something here?

I’m seeing zero savings on the iPad air 2’s compared to just buying them direct from Apple. Am I missing something

Blizz very purposely makes a lot of that a very gray area. The less they say, the more lattitude they have from within their own TOS.

Your language and grammar pretty much show you have zero idea what you’re talking about.

What other reason would Blizz make a deal with the guy? I can’t think of a single one.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense. People are routinely charged with possession of stolen property, without proving that person actually knew it was stolen.

You have no proof anybody reverse engineered the code. That’s not how most of these bots work. They listen in and intercept data that streams between your PC and Blizzards servers.

Just because ‘some’ games in the past were more expensive, doesn’t mean ‘some’ games today aren’t also too expensive.

You’re right. People have completely forgotten how to use that thing called their imagination and wonder how they would feel if they were in their shoes.

Plastic surgery. That’s whats up with her mouth.

It’s 120 because I have to buy it twice. Once for me and again for my son.

And then hotdogs it in the end zone afterward.

Speaking of what made your cleavage look good, why not see how that yellow sweater looked? Mayhap it was too large?

Yeah, the only thing more absurd than a $50 season pass, is paying $60 for the actual game. My son wants to play this so bad with his old man, but $120 to play a game I KNOW isn’t worth the price, is hard to swallow.

It’s true, the over the top action and silliness of it all helped it age quite nicely.

Yeah that shit shouldn’t happen. And so it’s totally fair to point that stuff out so that it can be pointed and ridiculed. Hopefully it will one day soon be a thing of the past.

You’re right feminism isn’t a curse word. It’s been unfortunately hijacked by some bad apples. You know what else shouldn’t be used as curse words but are? Gamergate. Same thing. Totally legit cause created to fix gaming journalism. Hijacked by some bad apples.