I send mine with the newfound knowledge of just how bad sex can be.
I send mine with the newfound knowledge of just how bad sex can be.
Best for the company? Says who? You? Maybe deterring future leaking of internal information is best for the company.
Of course they do. It’s all over the place. Saying somehow that Kotaku shouldn’t be blacklisted for their actions. I don’t even necessarily like that it happened to Kotaku. I’ve just been playing devils advocate and saying that when you piss people off, they respond. Nobody should act surprised.
That’s not a strawman you idiot.
Wait, I’m sorry. Developers in general, and Bethesda specifically, are just supposed to shrug off when internal info they don’t want made public, gets released?
Nope. And it’s not the job of the game company to be convenient to those that would report on things they would rather they don’t report on. Two way street.
You feel like you don’t owe them shit right? Well they feel the same way. It’s how the big boy world works.
That was a hilarious come back. But didn’t her joke kinda support his assertion?
I despise fake air intakes and exhaust ports. I just can’t hate them enough. I don’t get why the umbrella thing is on the list though. I don’t find it ridiculous in the same vein as many of the others.
Sure. I don’t know if it’s easier to put out patches for PC or something, but I still found it surprising.
That seems even stranger considering you’re on a console. I’m on PC.
I’ve also come across nearly zero bugs. I can’t even remember what it was it was so minor.
Needs more jigga-watts.
Well to be fair, he’s just concerned about another mysterious disappearance event occurring.
Manufacturing jobs. I can distinctly remember when I was younger and having some various jobs in electrical assembly at some company. If Christmas fell on sunday and Christmas eve on saturday, then you didn’t get any other days off.
These women should have refused to participate if there was no minority women included. I’m going to boycott them all.
You’re right. This is a fucking travesty.
I drink a fair amount of vodka and my decision as to what to choose is pretty simple and not very scientific. I try a shot of each and whichever makes me want to die the least is the one I call my favorite. I just haven’t found one that beats Grey Goose yet.
Wow, do I need to spell this out for you? If Christmas came on the weekend, it removed a day off I would have had if it fell during the week.
Again. Maybe for you it is. I have worked many jobs where that wasn’t the case.