“You” would still get the observed day off. I put the you in quotes just to be sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed.
“You” would still get the observed day off. I put the you in quotes just to be sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed.
I’ll take Guy over Anthony any day of the week. One guy acts like he loves life and the other guy acts like he really doesn’t.
And what kind of communist wants Christmas on a weekend? That’s just giving away a free day off work!
Disagree. That’s basically saying the owner or GM (or whomever is in charge of firing coaches) is incapable of seeing the reason behind playing Manziel and can only look at their current win/loss record. It’s just silly. I’m willing to bet the decision wasn’t just solely decided upon by the coach.
I have a hard time even laying at his feet the numbers from the death star. I mean ALL those pilots were trying to do the same thing. It just doesn’t ring true to me.
Did you see her in that new fast and furious movie? She was awful. And she didn’t even really have to speak like at all. There is a good reason for that. She is not an actress. It just doesn’t really fit her personality (yet). I have no faith that she can carry a movie, let alone a classic like Roadhouse. She will end…
/sigh. We’ll have to agree to disagree. FO4 does not look like last gen. I could go down the list of technologies that are present in FO4 and compare them to something perhaps you think IS current gen. There would be an awful lot of similarities. But I really don’t have the time.
Nobody with half a brain wants her in a Roadhouse remake.
Alot of it came from her refusing to even touch gloves at the faceoff right before the bell rung.
I was one of the people who would tell anybody that would listen, that she would get her butt kicked by any opponent with a modicum of ring IQ. That could put in place a proper game plan and follow it. It took until Holm for that to happen. But I still say she deserves a rematch. And if you don’t think she does, then…
I seem to remember this article being posted many months back. Disgreed then and still do now. The eye placement was right.
I was a bit strong in the ‘hate’ dept. I just meant to say I prefer it when people put in the time to build it themselves.
Yeah ‘hate’ was too strong a word. I just dig the work put into costumes.
That’s cool. I dig how she learned how to do it herself. I hate it when I see cosplayers swaggin it up with costumes they didn’t make themselves. Or maybe I should say I love it when they make their own costumes.
Nobody is making excuses. Not a single one. They make good games that tend to have a lot of bugs. That’s their reputation and it’s earned. No excuses there. You just kinda sound like a hater.
You just kinda sound like a hater to be honest. Bethesda has consistently gotten shit over the years for the bugs in their games. But they makes such good games otherwise, that it’s just never a dealbreaker for a reasonable person.
Same. Had one crash when I was already exiting the game. Otherwise have had ZERO issues. For me, this has been the smoothest Bethesda game in recent memory. And I’m playing on max settings.
And there were times the faces looked bad in the Witcher 3. There were plenty of times the faces looked more than fine to me in FO4. Alot of it is lighting that happens to exist in that specific place at that specific time of day. It doesn’t always make out for the best lighting circumstances.
I played witcher 3. I’m a professional cg artist. I know the amount of work required to create the props and environment in a current gen title. It’s no longer called ‘next gen’ btw.