
No offense, but there was nothing in your post to let me or anybody else know it was a joke or you were being sarcastic. I’m amazed you actually thought what you typed would come across that way. I won’t stoop to your level regarding the retarded comment, but suffice to say having read a lot of the replies, I think we

She looked neither scared nor making an O face. She just looked super excited. What kind of world do you live in?

Have him watch her videos and let him make up his own mind. Frankly, I don’t care for her. Her ideas in their broadest terms are fine, the way she goes about it, is not. But that’s just my own opinion.

What would you have the cop do? Keep asking over and over until the girl decided to comply? She wouldn’t get out of her seat, so he used force. I don’t know the circumstances as to why she was being arrested, but she was. Not every kid is a well mannered angel. I don’t know the kid, nor do you.

Been looking forward to this for quite some time. Still refuse to play it until it releases.

Which ISIS would still just overrun and capture. Oh and setup a real govt? You think you just wave a wand and do that? I think you need to change your username to Capt. Hindsight.

It doesn’t sadden me. Those people’s opinion don’t count. I give them not a single second of my time or emotion. I still think it’s probably going to be a bad remake though. Just because I’m betting it’ll continue to be the same humor that I’ve gotten extremely tired of.

I won’t be surprised if the movie will be bad. But I wouldn’t agree that a remake was destined to be bad. I just kinda knew it would be when they released the names of the new actresses. Not that they’re not good, but just that I’m already guessing the humor will be same staid and overdone shit we’ve been subjected to

*shrug. I’m fine with either. It WAS a conscious decision to change it from a male team to a female. So I think it’s relevant. It has no relevance on whether it’ll be a good movie of course. It’s not movie theatre worthy for me, but if it gets good reviews, I’ll certainly rent it.

Here’s something else you didn’t mention. The issues the Xbox has with framerate and resolution. How could you fail to mention these? It’s been a reocurring theme when a game has come out for both consoles.

That’s alright. I must admit I’d never heard it in any other context than how I used it. So I can’t even say I didn’t know there was more than one definition of the word.

The fact the article doesn’t mention the issues the XBox has had with framerates and resolution, compared to PS4, means you haven’t done your due diligence in this comparison.

Great news! You make for a horrible grammar nazi.

It became a ‘thing’ when words have more than one definition.

I’m with ya except for the ewoks. Just because they’re not as bad as Jar Jar, doesn’t mean they didn’t suck.

You can’t really say that about many other cars though. I see the Veyron and I swear it looks like a cheaply made piece of crap. Obviously it isn’t, but damn if it doesn’t look that way to me. Especially the front.

I never thought it looked pretty. I thought it looked ‘interesting’ for about 2 months. I swear its lines and styling have aged horribly.

Deserves more stars. Some shitty thing I said the other day got over 300.

Nothing important. But if you click the link and buy the thing, you helped make money for Gawker.

Nothing important. But if you click the link and buy the thing, you helped make money for Gawker.

Have a star.