
I’m down with that.

Really? Interesting. I thought it did. I mean I’ve had horchata, and it kinda depends on where you get it from.

Dude. I actually don’t mind it. I just don’t drink it when I feel like a beer. It’s more like something I drink when I want a horchata and to get just a bit tipsy at the same time.

When it’s passing from one beer conglomerate to another beer conglomerate, then I would think no, it doesn’t matter.

That guy doesn’t make that move if the guy on the bike, was instead a guy in a car. He knew that he could do that, without much damage to his car if they touched. That guy needs to be charged with attempted murder.

How this asshole wasn’t charged with attempted murder is beyond me.

The 458 looks like a cross between a Lotus and a Mclaren. It doesn’t look like a Ferrari at all. And what’s with the hood edges? Just weird.

Umm ok.

That’s such an obvious and implied statement as to be rendered moot. He might as well just add that text in italics in front of every article he writes.

Better than 90% of the paintings I see ‘people’ do.

Now playing

First time I’ve seen some dude painting with his body parts. Seen women do it more times than I can count.

Yeah, I hope this makes like zero money.

Holy cow your TIE fighter design is bad.

I meant to say goggle. I’m always mixing those two up.

Yup. You made your play, and got skewered. Now you’re trying the old: “Haha idiots, I wasn’t being serious.” And that’s working even less for ya.

LOL nice try. You’re not convincing anybody that the ‘rage’ in your original post was fake.

That’s just silly.

I get such a giggle by the notion that Rex Ryan left the Jets, who are now 4-1, and is now coaching a team that is .500 and lucky to be so.

See the 200+ people who starred what I typed? They got that I was joking. We’re you ever in the military? In a combat MOS? Something tells me no. Urban combat is one environment. But it’s just one. When you’re not in that environment, you’re hauling your personal gear, not to mention mission specific loads, around with you for days at a time.