
Agreed. I mentioned that in a comment of mine earlier. By no means should pictures or video be allowed to be taken while in locker rooms. Some people really don’t want to be in the back of some photo with their dong hanging out.

Deadlines. Right. If all reporters had to equally wait outside the locker room for an additional 30 minutes, the world would explode. Because missed deadlines. Try again.

Well, they kind of are. But there are a lot more rules surrounding it. Almost like common sense prevails.

Why should they have to wait? Why can’t the reporters wait until they’re dressed and out of the locker room?

Their ability to get spontaneous comments shouldn’t trump the ability of players to have privacy while showering/changing after a game.

Agreed. What could they ask in the locker room that couldn’t be done outside? I’m not sure there is another sport that has this happening like football.

And why can’t said media coverage happen outside the locker room? Plenty of opportunity for all that stuff, without players having to worry about being indecent during an interview. I’ve seen plenty of pictures of players naked in the background of some stupid locker room interview. I’ll bet they didn’t ask for that

And why should a player have to either hurry up and shower/change or wait until silly reporters ask their inane questions, before then doing the shower/change thing? What’s so fucking important that it can’t wait until they’re done and out of the locker room? The whole thing seems ridiculous.

Agreed. But if I was a player, I would kinda rather not have a bunch of reported roaming around while I’m dressing. Do I really have to hurry up, just because some reporters can’t wait until players leave the locker room to ask their inane questions?

I can get behind that suggestion. Something about reported running around asking questions while people are trying to get dressed just somehow gives me the heeby jeebies.

I’m convinced you don’t know what dadbod is, or what size an average flaccid penis looks like. That dude had nothing near a dadbod, and that flaccid penis was not small.

Yeah, no. We’re talking about space champions, not runners up.

You seem to have a real hardon for Draper.

Good on you Meryl. If everybody treated all humans equally, then there becomes no need for feminism- a term that starts to appear exclusionary in comparison.

There isn’t anything inherently wrong with the word. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been hijacked and ruined by a certain subset of people. Because of that, people have become loath to use the word. Gamergate was initially about ethics in game journalism. That shit got hijacked quicker than a mouth breathing basement

Oof the lip sync is still pretty horrid. And I don’t need celebrity faces on my characters. It actually takes me out of the story.

That thing looks like a Mazda Rx6 from that side photo.

Looking forward to the day when the cat eye look is gone.

5 bucks? Oh fuck off. Unless all but .99 of it with to charity, (and he could prove it did) than just fuck off.

She’s a 9/11 truther. So there’s that.