
What’s the female equivalent of a douche-bro?

I find it interesting they can’t talk about the movie without throwing shade around in the first sentence. Just talk about the fuckin movie. If people have a problem with the reboot solely because they went with a female cast, then just ignore them. Is it that difficult to do?

They’re doing anything and everything in their power to make sure it’s successful.

Holy shit I’m embarrassed to admit I never knew they did that. I just thought they always stayed flat and those damn germans had somehow found a way to make it work.

Well that wasn’t very Canadian of him...

Well to be fair, I’m sure their contracts for all the flicks, were signed, sealed, and delivered long before they even started filming. Let alone before they saw how soul sucking the whole thing was going to turn out. That said: I have no doubt they’re not at least thankful for what the trilogy did for them.

I’d be lying if I didn’t have generally milder versions of those feelings. She really did kinda oversell it some. But I totally agree the kiss cam is pretty stupid.

The odds of you actually inflicting harm on the person behind you is pretty fucking slim. Let’s not exaggerate. I’m 6 feet tall, and I’ve never been in pain, or even discomfort because somebody in front of me reclined.

Using the recline feature of a seat is harming the person behind you? What planet are you from?

Comparing using a seat that reclines, to stealing? Cool comparison bro. Using a function of a seat, is definitely an ok thing to do.

Why spend so much time, effort, and money to just off the guy in this fashion? Just put a bullet in the back of his head and throw him in a ditch. Let the dogs take care of him. Same outcome, with alot less muss and fuss.

And Ronda isn’t a spinning ballerina kicking karate master.

Anybody even care what this twat thinks?

My grammar has been atrocious lately.

If you sign on to be any part of Kanye’s world, than don’t act surprised when it’s full of stupid.

I think you meant to say that you would be afraid you would look retarded. Which means you care too much about what others think. So I’m thinking you’re probably a pussy.

There is just something about that lady. The smile. The shaved head. I don’t really know her, or even know if she’s a good person, but she certainly looks like somebody who kicks ass in life. And I can respect that.

That’s because it probably doesn’t happen nearly as often as stated. You can’t even point out the real hypocrisy in somebodies ridiculous statement, without being automatically labeled an MRA, or a dudebro or whatever. I’m talking about the new wave feminists who aren’t actually interested in equality, and wouldn’t


Funny thing is: If I look at both of those guys, and using my imagination, pretend that they weren’t famous celebrities, but just normal people you see on the street? If I were forced to give my opinion of the appearance, I would probably think they looked a tad douchy in those hats. *shrug