
This. Fuck MO and their outrageous PP tax. And fuck their vehicle inspection scam too. So glad when I moved away from there.

Because unless you’re him. Like literally him, you look like a douche in that hat.

If even half the things I’ve ready about her are true, she seems like a royal twat.

If anybody is surprised when rich hollywood types, don’t necessarily understand the actual world around them, than well...yeah. Celebrities can’t dissapoint you, if you never put them on a pedestal in the first place.

You sound like a douchebag.

I want to thank you for that comment. After reading a horrid account of a woman being forced to have sex at the end of the barrel of a gun, I need something goofy and ridiculous to make me chuckle. You accomplished that admirably.

I think you missed the part, where he was strictly talking about if there had been no gun, and had just not paid afterward. That’s not rape by any reasonable definition, but theft of services. That the services was sex, is a moot point.

I don’t think he was correlating them directly. Just saying he felt he had 1 strike with the height. Add in some geeky behaviors that plenty of women will roll their eyes at and move on, felt like a couple more strikes had been added on.

Well, you’re probably fucking hot, so yeah.

Yeah, short man syndrome is pretty awful to be around.

She was fucking horrible at HP. -worked for HP during that time.

I guess I am one too. Life is good as a dildo.

Yeah I derped and missed that part.

Yup. Definitely the best I could come up with.

I guess the connection was that I had serious doubts about your taste. But then you confirmed how I felt about The Expendables. So back to the drawing board.

I don’t think I could spend more than 30 seconds in your company without grinding my teeth to nubs.

What’s an emotional fuckboy?

Did you like The Expendables?

What’s compelling about the Bachelorette?

Doesn’t matter if it was possible or impossible otherwise. This is not even close to playing the game the way it was intended. That makes it cheating. I also can’t stand to watch more than 20 seconds of it, since the pauses are just so boring.