Again. If that’s all FA are there for, then why do they hand out drinks and snacks? Or blankets? You haven’t answered that question. I wonder why.
Again. If that’s all FA are there for, then why do they hand out drinks and snacks? Or blankets? You haven’t answered that question. I wonder why.
Right. So if flight attendants don’t need to hand out drinks, than why do they? You keep saying the same thing over and over again. It’s an absurd argument. The FAA lists what is the the minimum that they’re supposed to do. Obviously that isn’t everything they DO do. How are you having a hard time understanding this?…
So I would be sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, because as another attendant, I have to deal with an unhappy customer because lil miss dinkle fritz thinks she’s above doing her job?
You could literally say that about all sorts of job descriptions. It’s literally the definition of a slippery slope.
Doesn’t matter to me. I’m going to start a religion that excludes eating or serving unhealthy foods like mini pretzels and honey roasted peanuts to anyone considered overweight. You have a problem with that? You’re infringing on my religion.
It may not be the central duty of a flight attendant, but I don’t see how that means diddly squat. It was a duty of the job. She’s foisting her religous beliefs on other people. So screw her.
Your comment seems to say you think she’s not an asshole. I’d like to hear your reasoning for such an opinion. Who gets a job, where serving alcohol is part of the duties, and then refuses on the basis of religion? Didn’t we just get done excoriating an asshole for refusing to hand out marriage licenses, due to her…
I’m a reasonable Pats fan. I think they’ve cheated. I think they deserve to be punished. How much more reasonable does one need to be? Doesn’t change the fact that some of the things they do or did, other organizations do or did. Also doesn’t change the fact that they’re still a damn good team, and a solidly run…
That’s a lot of words for generally not saying shit.
They don’t want strong personalities, because that means they became popular, which means they became successful. Which means they have to pay them more. Not to mention those things others said.
You sound like somebody who hasn’t watched a lot of MMA.
I hope so!
If you like the balls soft.
I feel like there is a news story in the making here. Interviewing her ex husbands.
She looks like she could spew venom at the drop of a hat. Seriously.
That’s nice and all. The size women preferred, is over an inch longer than average(depending on where you look).
She looks like the meanest, most hate filled person I’ve seen lately.
I bet they wouldn’t have tried that crap in the late 60’s or even early 70s.
Talk to me when they ditch the 4 doors, and take it back to a 2 door, which it used to be. Such a shame what they did to a car with such a nice pedigree and history.
How were these rendered? Is this some mod or plugin, or is the geometry exported to a 3d package?