
STOP DOING THAT! As an arch-vis artist, I get flashbacks in my sleep of redlined renders coming from architects. I will say this: your handwriting is actually legible, and not made deliberately obtuse, by narcissistic assholes that delight in being cool because their handwriting is as inscrutable as their designs. I

He could try and compromise and give Brady maybe 1 game. He doesn’t get away scott free, but I can see him accepting 1 game to move on.

He also has to realize, he’s the impetus for all that shit slinging. He’s not innocent. He’s not the true victim. He probably deserves most if it, to some degree. Unfortunately, people like him, never have the ability to see themselves clearly for who they are.

If you’re going to cast aspersions, at least get your facts correct. This isn’t about any Superbowl. Have you been paying attention?

Not to defend this ass clown, but he’s definitely 25 going on about 16. So they’re not too far off maturity wise.

And your point is? Good luck getting justice if you don’t go to the police. Are there problems with the system. You betcha. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Go back to Tumblr, you dipshit.

As a classic Charger owner, that concept is anathema to me.

Sorry, that Charger looks like shit. What’s with the front grill?

Yeah you can’t just go willy nilly making statements about people, unless you’re willing to back it up with proof. That’s how mistakes and lawsuits happen. BSU had more than enough reason to dump him, without even going into possibly unsubstantiated rumors regarding him and his girlfriend. If he had been a model

Uglier than a minivan? Well, that’s just like your opinion man.

HD’s have plenty of power. They really don’t need to be any faster than they already are. They’re not corner hugging sport bikes.

I love OD green military looking bikes. I had the original OD green Nightster. Did all I could to make it mine. Still kinda looked like stock bike. And I hate stock looking bikes. So I wouldn’t buy this one.

haha. learn something new every day.

WTF is a bullnox preworkout. Not to mention bubble guts.

I swear to god, as a 40+ year old man, with a good job, I would love nothing more to get a part time job just to deal with some of these assholes. I would do it just for the kicks, if it wasn’t taking a job away from somebody who actually needed it.

so... he’s a lying piece of shit?

I call BS. How could he say under oath something he would have no way of knowing?

It’s satirical in that it’s poking fun at itself

I’m confused. You’re sick of satirical advertisements poking fun of stuff?