
I think think he had a good reason for not wanting to hand over his phone. If I’m Brady, and I’m a celebrity with one of the riches and most well known international supermodel wives, than I probably have a lot on my phone I don’t want the average schmo to be privy to. And then you have the NFL, who not only leaked

I didn’t mean to say that you can’t deny guilt, and still choose to not cooperate with police. If memory serves, the vast majority of people incorrectly convicted of a crime, were convicted because they spoke to police; ala false confession. How many of those wouldn’t have been convicted and sent to prison, if they

You’re right. And apparently Goodell is the arbiter of when somebody is or is not cooperating. Brett Favre was asked for his cell phone when the whole dick pick thing was going down. Brett told them to go fuck themselves. All he got was a fine. I absolutely agree that Tom shouldn’t have destroyed the phone. He should

Sure. And you know that up front that if you refuse to show your lunchbox you can be fired. This is the crux of one of Brady’s arguments. That was never laid out. And again: Brady’s refusal to hand over personal texts to an organization that leaked like a sieve, is not proof of any guilt on his part.

Refusal to cooperate should never be automatically construed as proof of guilt. That’s just asinine. Any good attorney will tell you to never speak to the cops, unless absolutely necessary. Even if you are guilty of nothing, and have nothing to hide. If you don’t say anything; nothing can be miscommunicated or

You may be right. I’ll admit I don’t know what is required in instances such as these. I will say this: I can’t imagine Brady and the NFLPA suing the league if they thought him destroying the phone was an automatic dealbreaker. He didn’t destroy the phone right before going into court. Just the appeals.

I dunno man. It’s not a company phone, and the NFL isn’t the police. I’m no lawyer, but I’m not convinced he owes them a thing, even inside a court room.

Agreed. Brady didn’t owe them shit. And he certainly didn’t want to be the first one to cross that threshold.

Ohhh. That’s how you end up with porn of girls that look like they’re 25 but are actually 17. Just stream that shit.

Or maybe they just felt sorry about somebody they thought was named Dick Berns. Seriously.

It’s like they can’t help themselves.

Very true. Though we are kinda going through a classic car bubble that can’t sustain itself.

I’m with ya. It’s got a lot of 70’s stylin going on. As somebody who likes eclectic classic cars, I’m liking this one. But 8 grand is asking a premium. It’s too much. Anybody who paid that much, should feel bad about getting fleeced, because they did.

Riiight. Somebody shows you specifically why you’re wrong, and this is your response. Ok then.

The ‘bachelors’ I see roaming the supermarket getting groceries, would tell a different tale. They look old, sad, and reek of failure. They have a look on their face that instantly identifies them.

I actually expected to see a post like yours, before I saw a post you said you were expecting to see from “MRA’ers”.

You misread what he said. I dont think he meant anything about her ‘figure’. He meant, she literally trains with guys, because that’s the only way for her to continue to improve. Which is to train like she is a guy.

I agree. Her competition is pretty comparison to her. They all seem to think that they won’t be the one to get judo flipped and caught in an arm bar. And then it happens. From the male MMA perspective, if there was somebody that was that talented in that respect, you better believe the people he fights will

Ronda Rousey is dominant without a doubt. But I would say half that equation is that her competition really isn’t all that great. Women’s MMA is just still too new. I’m not saying that she wouldn’t still be dominant if her competitors were better, just that I can’t say for sure 100%.

Wait, this Calvin dude is worth half what Swift is worth? I’ve never even heard of this guy, and while Swift isn’t my cup of tea, she’s been tearing the world a new ass these last several years. What does this guy do, that he’s worth this $100 million?