
I think it should be made a much bigger deal. This whole strange saga has been more about the spin made to drive public perception, more than anything else. And the NFL has been winning it hands down the entire time. It kinda says a lot about how weak the actual evidence is, that Goodell has to go to these lengths to

Thanks. I don’t have as much a problem with how Bowden portrayed them, as much as I remember the Delta guy’s ragging on em. I was in AIT when that all went down. I had to earn my respect from some hard chargers when I found myself at Ft. Drum. This was prior to 9/11 and Iraq, so it was intensive stuff at the time.

That’s cool. I spent many a night doing night duty at various HQ bldgs reading all the old unit history.

The funny this is: the skis they gave us were horrible. They were too loosely attached to our boots. So when we tried to turn, they would just come flying off and take off down the mountain. You had an entire company of soldiers at various areas of the slope just sitting there yelling “SKI!” while watching ski ski

Well, it can be anything that improves your self worth. Improving your body, can certainly be one. But it kinda emphasizes physical beauty. This guy needs a lot of work on his inside parts, if you know what I mean.

Haha, aint that the truth.

I’m with ya. It sounds like he needs some good homies to go socialize with and help him with his self confidence.

I was. 2-87 Infantry. 11b grunt. We did have a lot of fun with the West Point cadets. Also the NY National Guard. lol. Back in the days when the Guard could still bring beer out into the field. I’m betting those days are gone.

In many ways MMA can be considered safer. They fight rarely, and they don’t take the prolonged punishment that boxers take. Or even NFL players.

She’s not stupid. She is an excellent fighter and could hang with many of them. But that’s not the same as saying she would have a good chance of winning at a high percentage. She says she thinks she has a chance to beat anybody. And she’s right. But it’s a low chance. And when she didn’t win, she would get her face

You chose flexibility, which probably plays one of the least roles in how successful you are at most sports. Compared to strength, quickness etc etc.

Ohh so snarky.

You have to add: “No takebacks!” at the end though.

That’s pretty cool.

Those children are currently drinking the regulars under the table.

You think he’s the only QB who does that? I see it ALL the time, from nearly every QB in the league. I think your bias is showing.

Very true. Just other cars I would rather own for 40k. Just my two cents.

I get that it’s a beast under the hood. But it still looks like a Ford Focus. No way I’m paying that much for a Ford Focus. Even if I actually needed or wanted that under the hood.

Yeah true. And I would argue that developers need to just ignore the really igregious complaining that goes on. Just learn to ignore it.

Why would you even do that. What good is it giving somebody like Kanye a private demo.