
Goddammit! Your post just spoiled the fact that the article has spoilers!

Have Saleen reneged on any customers order? If they haven’t, then I wonder what difference it makes how the money the forks over is spent. When I pay my local car mechanic, I don’t assume they took my money and used it specifically to purchase the parts or pay for the labor. Business don’t really work that way.

They were too busy jerking each other off with one hand, and patting themselves on the back with the other. That level of concentration required to perform this, is surprisingly large.

Only idiots passing themselves as pseudo-intellectuals, require an absolute vacuum to make their point.

Please enlighten me on what is the larger point.

Oh noes! They had a type of party you might not have chosen yourself. Let’s bash em!

Nice bike. I’ve always been a fan of the Yamaha VMax.

Nope, Miranda cheated. It’s basically all over the interwebz.

You have every right to practice your religion. As long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.

Who gives a shit about their low morale. I couldn’t possibly care less. I care more about the guy that was the subject of the hatchet job.

It seems like common sense, that if the article should have never seen the light of day, than there shouldn’t be a problem with it being taken down. When you make a mistake, you rectify it. Leaving it up, after admitting that mistake, only worsens the mistake. Hell, there was never even an apology given, to the guy

This is such a quintessential jezebel kind of story.

Getting drunk is all about the dancing and hugging.

We truly are. Testosterone is much stronger than your wimpy estrogen. It makes us feel stuff and junk.

The only assault I saw on that video was the mom slapping and grabbing the hair of the dance instructor. I’m kinda confused.

Color me not surprised.

Of course you guys would cut the GIF short so that you have to click the link to view.

Dude makes a movie with a woman as lead. People are pissed.

I was outspoken from the very beginning that it sucked.

Mendes should have had a clear game plan. Keep inside of Conor and not let him dictate distance. Which Conor does in EVERY FIGHT. Why? So he can get off his kicks. Mendes should have flipped that script and just smothered him. Even if he wasn’t punching. Smother him. But he never did, and before he knew it, he was