Nobody is going to complain about a few bucks added on top for gas to go pick up a part.
Nobody is going to complain about a few bucks added on top for gas to go pick up a part.
Anything is possible. I don’t know how the manuscript got published in the first place.
If she never intended on the book being published, it makes you wonder why she didn’t put things into place to ensure it didn’t.
Ahhh gotcha. They stopped making the Saturn variant years ago, so parts for it have gotten harder to come by. Obviously not the case for the European version.
Sure, I assumed they’re more popular over there. But I still don’t think they’re manufacturing parts anymore.
As somebody, who until recently owned a Saturn Astra, I think I know the reason. It’s hard finding parts for these, and they’re expensive.
You sound like more of an asshole than the people you were mimicing.
Unfortunately, this is just somebody signalling they know which side their toast is buttered.
I was gonna tell you to go fuck yourself, but plenty have done it, just not in so many words.
So fucking what. The guy literally explained he’s seen women who are smaller and weaker than him, do all sorts of things to attempt to beat the shit out of him. Nowhere did he say he was defending the guy. Only that the argument that she’s more or less blameless because she’s smaller and weaker than him, is faulty.
They should discontinue the show. It’s staid, unfunny, shallow, and pedantic.
Wow, I didn’t know you were gay Patricia. Since you seem to have this fascination with penis’s in video games, I just assumed you were straight. Anyways, carry on.
Not his fault she missed.
Don’t listen to zegota. She attempted to blackmail her previous company to dissuade her to not file an appear on her sexual harrassment lawsuit, she lost big time. And that lawsuit she lost so badly? She coincidentally sued for the same amount her criminal husband was on the hook for, after getting caught bilking…
Hahaha. You’re talking about someone with the gall to attempt to blackmail her opponents to dissuade her to not appeal. Someone who sued for the amount her crook of a husband bilked in his criminal ponzi scheme. She deserves to be fired, and never be a CEO of another company again.
It is a shame. Because it will hurt the cause. Some idiots just don’t know when to do what’s in their best interest.
LOL, I thought the same thing. Seriously? A website that purports to be feminist using language that only a ‘bro’ would deem acceptable. ‘Smash’ as a way to describe having sex with a women, is exactly what I would expect from a place like Reddit, which makes the irony all that more hilarious.
My eyes rolled so hard they’re now stuck upside down.
Urgh, i hate the petition and those signing it as they are racist/misogynists
Except in your example, the baker is refusing to service one customer, and not an entire demographic.