
Yeah, there is literally no way to defend their decision.

Puzzles would require though and creativity. They have more invested in pumping out quantity at this point. It’s a tale as old as time. Company gets successful due to original idea. Starts pumping out crap and hiring tons of people. People get tired of their same formula being shoved in their face over and over again.

Yes, and it’s come at a cost. The second season of Walking Dead game, was waaaay shorter than the first. It was clear they we’re cheaping everybody out, so they could pump out more of them. I decided I was done with them soon after.

US were a huge favorite last world cup against Japan. And they totally choked. I’m crossing my fingers that they exercise some serious demons this time around. Also: damn those Japanese are no fluke.

I don’t think thats really true at all. There are plenty of shows that have enough going on with them, that reading the cliff notes would mean you were missing a lot. And not just the plot. The show is on a slow burn, I get it. Doesn’t mean it will continue that way. But I don’t see how somebody can’t understand that

I dunno, seems kinda boring to me. Take away the last few minutes of last nights episode and I would have told you everything they had showed in the first two episodes I could have read a synopsis of and not missed much, and probably had a better understanding of it all.

Yes, but the article itself states its only 50k difference between the quarters and semis. Nobody would have complained if those two had to meet in the semifinals.

You said it better than me. I actually held back considerably. I think she’s a bit bat shit crazy.

I’m 99% sure he’s still alive and it’ll be because he was wearing a vest. He doesn’t trust Vince Vaughns character any farther then he can throw him.

I am actually. Because I don’t take all my bitterness and wear it right there on my sleeve. Good luck with that.

You must be a real gem to date. How many times can you say ‘evopsych’ in one post? You sound like some shrew who thinks everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is the mans fault. Well, you’re certainly on the right website for that.

Of course they lie. They’re imprinted with the notion that women don’t like short men. I’ve heard far more ladies say they don’t like short men, than ladies say they don’t mind how tall a guy is.

I think that’s the problem with rules based procedural things like this. If you just run a random number generator on all these planets, wouldn’t they just all seem rather bland and similar in a way? Without the human touch to make truly unique and awesome environments, it just seems like it would be boring. That

I have no idea where you’re going with that image. Is it because you think her fights are indicative of the quality of female fighting compared to mens? Because her fights are fucking boring. And most of the ladies fights are nowhere near as good as the mens. There are occasional exceptions. And I would count myself a

Holy shit, this guy takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

Game creates playable female character albeit in a short prequel DLC. People still complain.

Inflicting serious bodily harm and/or destruction of somebodies property, are both illegal. Highly illegal. And are not reasonable answers to being cheated on, no matter how much it hurts. I know you weren’t probably being serious, but perpetuating that kind of mentality is immature and unhealthy.

Yeah, having had my first a few months ago, thats what I read. I think stress can exacerbate them though, as anything that can cause an increase in stomach acid activity is not going to help things. So that said: I think it’s fair to at least mention ulcers in relation to the story.

Having had an ulcer recently (my first) and while researching them on the internet, I saw that stress generally isn’t really linked to ulcers anymore. It’s caused more by bacteria.

And you go to school?