
I was in the military as well. I’m also trying to be objective here. There is indeed alot of hatred towards the military around their respective bases. A lot of it is truly deserving. Hell, I was a shit stain of a human being when I was that age. I know they can behave. But I’ve also seen military personnel treat

That base? You do know that military bases are staffed with people from all over the country right? There’s no local phenomenon around a military base that isn’t the same around pretty much every other one. So what you’re really saying is that there is a culture at ALL military bases that stiff local restaurants. Is

Whether RT is swank or not has zero bearing on the subject at hand, so not sure why you brought that up. I also don’t know why you brought up behavior from people on some internet website, as if it’s some legitimate comparison to how people behave in real life?

A Ruby Tuesday is not some hole in the wall diner with one waitstaff. There are going to be several waitstaff working at the place. I just find it conspicuous that the article didn’t mention that it was an issue prevalent with more of their staff. That doesn’t prove it didn’t happen, I just found it suspicious.

I can see why the NFL couldn’t come out and actually say they cheated, just that it seemed more likely than not. Every quarterback wants balls at different psi. Of course Brady is going to be anal about the psi in the balls. He could have been doing that for innocent or nefarious reasons. I really can see either

“Apparently, this is something that has happened to Heflin a lot”

That’s gorgeous cel shading? Good grief. It looks like something a first year game design student would vomit out.

Heh. Patricia just can’t get enough penis in video games. /salute

Remove those two, and boxing as a whole is basically a forgotten sport. Even more than it is now. Those two are what’s left. There’s basically nothing when they hang up the gloves.

Yeah, it’s not really fair to compare the two. One is reviled right now. The other hasn’t really done anything (too) awful in awhile. People generally forgive and most especially forget.

Yeah, well you should.

NOOOOoo. I had just recently cleansed my mind of that fact. It will now stick in my craw like a Taylor Swift song.

Well, she has an asshole, which is kind of the point of the entire exercise.

Good God, your family. Man what shit luck to have.

This past season was a bit better than the last, I’ll admit. But as a whole it’s never been as good as the first or even second season.

I’m confused. Do curfews apply equally to everybody, media included, or not?

Agreed on SH2. That was a true masterpiece. I still remember the opening cutscene with the letter from his wife. It just never gets old. One of the first true psychological horror games, that wasn’t just about zombies.

In the shitter. That’s where.

Well I don’t really care about Android and it’s wearable version. I certainly don’t care how either sells compared to the other.

No confusion here.