
Invested? Nah, I just want to punch him in his face, so that maybe he learns that there are consequences to his actions, that he can’t control, or might not like.

Holy shit, I don’t even know where to begin with this. If the dude is totally innocent, and thereby falsely accused, then fuck him?

Anyone walking around with one of these things on their wrist, is gonna look like such an asshole.

Don’t forget the brain suckers, steal your insight.

I absolutely want one. I have a hard time thinking of somebody who wouldn’t.

Guy tricks another guy into thinking he’s a woman, and gets him drunk and takes him home. You may choose to call him a transwoman, and that’s all fine and dandy. Good for them. I hope they are happy in life. But that person had a moral responsibility to be upfront with the other person regarding their identity. They

Because they’re not attracted to them? Why is there no discussion about the fact that this transgender person took the guy home, and wasn’t upfront about who they were? Huh? Where’s the moral outrage there? Don’t you think you have a moral responsibility to be upfront with the person? Or maybe the transperson got the

Nah, I disagree. If they would have just ignored it, it would have gone away. For every person who was for changing it, there were 10 who just didn’t give a shit, and thought it was a relatively harmless joke.

Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.

The reason for this is the technology is still limited. The best they can do now is high resolution scans of posed/still figures. They’re just trying to cash in on what can be done now. That’s all. Im a cg artist, I’m very aware of this stuff as it’s used in film/game effects. They’re pretty far away from having photo

I hate shit like this. You can’t complain about it, or come across as being ‘overly sensitive’.

Certainly true. In DS1, after the kiln skip was patched, I felt the amount of skips and duping was at a pretty reasonable place. So I enjoyed watching any% speedruns. After watching a couple of these any% BB runs, I don't feel the same.

Did you miss the part where she would 'pat him on the head' after getting eaten out and send him on his way? The guy was not 'getting his'. She's just a selfish twat, pardon the pun.

Killing Bed of Chaos in DS1 my first try, not knowing what I was doing and not using any ranged or cheese strats. I basically just ran around barely knowing what to do and just got insanely lucky. A good friend of mine who introduced the game to me was watching me stream it, hoping to cackle with glee while I beat

Gee thanks. I just detached my eyes from their nerve ending, from eye rolling so hard.

I've got nothing against Denmark, but your comment doesn't seem particularly objective, and lacking in common sense. They're nobody to be trifled with, but if Russia felt the need to wipe Denmark off the face of the map, it could do so. And there is nothing Denmark could do about it, except hope they are avenged by

I'm with you. I can't stand Putin and his Russian ilk, but who should really be surprised by this? Regardless of the purpose for the shield, it really does get in the way of Russia defending itself, from it's own perspective. So if you're part of the shield, you're part of Russia's problem. So, you shouldn't be

My wife complains of this. She asks me to go to the doctor with her when she needs to go, because she says she never gets respect from people because she's small and rather young looking. So they just never take her seriously. She's 100% sure that if I go with her, the outcome goes differently. It upsets her sooo

I hate tipping. I hate the whole need for it. It shouldn't even be a thing that happens. Servers should be paid a decent wage, and that should be the end of it. Nothing more needed. It just reeks of greed on the part of restaurant owners that they can get away with underpaying their employees, and having

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Old school Interplay BattleChess. 37:57 when the king gets defeated, he loses his robe and you see some gray pubes and penis.