
I think the issue is that DC/WB hasn’t gotten Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Flash, or the JLA right but here they are throwing money at an Elseworlds take on the character which is probably great but really ground breaking. I hate to compare to Marvel but Marvel made the movies it wanted to make on it’s own terms

I’d be the last guy to defend Chevy Chase because the guy is clearly an asshole, but his assessment of today’s SNL isn’t too far off.

The PS4 games are both games I’ve come close to buying a bunch of times, and that’s the ideal type of PS+ game.

You do realise that those studies you mention are for e-cigarettes using e-liquid, while this “vape” pen is for weed right?

You do realise that those studies you mention are for e-cigarettes using e-liquid, while this “vape” pen is for weed

Not even gonna download it for free. Fuck em’!

Uh, no? I don’t need or want all my friends constantly posting what they would normally directly share with me on Snapchat in their IG feed - are you actively trying to ruin another social platform so you can write some bullshit opinion piece complaining about “How IG ruined itself” in a year?

Well, that’s a dumb Lifehacker article. I don’t have Instagram, I don’t use stories, I prefer to snap pictures to people individually to show things and not clog up their storage in a text thread, nor keep it permanent. Also the only milestone to snapstreaks is it will do the 100 emoji, the “special emoji” is for top

But children won’t be old enough to nostalgia about the 90's...

uhh, facebook owns instagram.

I guess not everyone is blown away by the graphics

Anyone who gives birth to a seven month old daughter probably needs a hundred grand’s worth of plastic surgery.