
I don’t think there’s any such thing. When’s the last time there’s been a Black Republican who wasn’t shucking and jiving and basically being the token for these racist white Republicans?

OUCH! That clip was powerful. Seeing it and seeing how young those guys look also reminds me that time has flown.

I know. I know. That is my inclination too and I think that is why I am not suited to any of these kinds of jobs. He (Trump) is truly a horrible and awful human being and I know that dollars to donughts this is an opportunity for him to co-opt me in his racial photo-op circus. But I wonder if someone who runs a public

I wonder how the invitation should have been handled? Does one actually go into the lion’s den and hope that he actually benefits rather than mauls you? What do you do when you are there and when you leave? Do you refuse the picture? Do you say something like “We are glad to meet with the President of the United

As a celebrity of influence Steve Harvey meeting with Donald Trump implies at least some level of acceptance of the asshole-elect.

“On a personal note, a lot of ya’ll hurt me,” Harvey said.