
Love that the reviews are back! Now I just hope my comments show up so that even registers with the powers that be on AV Club.

Interestingly, I found the first two acts more compelling than the final ones (is it four act structure, or 3 with a tag?). Homer, Bart, and Lisa seemed to be doing just fine without electronics but as soon as they come to a place which feeds their other tactile/sensory needs they start to mime screen interaction? An

He is not 81. Which episode are you referencing?

WHERE IS THE RUSSI TAYLOR DEDICATION GRAPHIC??? Why can’t they do this one thing?

Why is this pending approval?

Why is this pending approval?

Why is this pending approval?

Why is this pending approval?

Still waiting for the Russi Memorium card.

And they still couldn’t have an “in remembrance” credit? They did for Mendel.

I suppose others who don’t want to read the reviews could stop. I want to read the reviews. If the page receives fewer hits there won’t be a reason for the reviews to exist, but I hope that day is a long way off.

When will The Simpsons give Russi Taylor a credits sendoff?