I think she's charmingly batshit from a healthy distance (like watching her on my TV distance). I imagine the intensity of the batshit might get a leeeetle much with extended face time.
I think she's charmingly batshit from a healthy distance (like watching her on my TV distance). I imagine the intensity of the batshit might get a leeeetle much with extended face time.
She's basically a zombie who just hasn't died yet.
You know what's not confusing? Knowing that if this woman could've accepted her child for who she was, her girl would still be alive. Know what *is* confusing? That she would rather have a dead child than admit that her child was a daughter rather than a son.
You know what works? Nizoral shampoo. It's for getting rid of yeast that causes dandruff but let me tell you will will clear up some bodily unsightliness in no time flat. Just use it like body wash a few times a week.
I agree. She's curvy but looking at that ass picture is like looking at a funhouse mirror. She's photoshopped within an inch of her life. Literally. If they carved her waist up any more there'd be no room for internal organs.
TS is an early 20-something girl who's lead a rarified life, rich and in the public spotlight. Of all the asinine directions she *could've* gone with this I'm thinking this is so benign as to not even be at all note worthy.
The thing is that for a 13 year old the parents are still calling ALL the shots, regardless of cultural influences. And these are the shots Teresa called for her little girl.
He reminds me of my adorably awkward 13 year old kid (who I'm sure would also love to have a bed decorated with a blond girl, take or leave the dream catchers). I approve this spread.
This is such a patronizing stereotype. They are people and as such they have different personalities, temperaments, quirks, mood swings, preferences and asshole moments. You know...like people do.
I love Clean Bandit, for working out especially. It is ear candy perfection.
Right? It's Taylor Swift. If Taylor Swift tried to write a song about the mean streets and how mean they can be that would go over like a lead balloon. Girlfriend leads a charmed life so she writes songs about that.
I agree. Love the boots and jewelry with this dress, but her entire head is all wrong. Her hair looks like it belongs on my 8 year old and her makeup is so aging. She's doing to thick black liner more and more and it's really unflattering. She has such fantastic, unique features but they look all muddied.
I've always said, as parents it's important to give our kids something to talk to their future therapists about.
Dude has mad charisma. You can't not watch him when he's on screen. And I love that he's odd looking. Blond and perfect has never been my type.
Oh heavens, no! This entire show was like watching paint dry and she was the dullest of them all, bless her heart. I bet her dad wouldn't even let her be shown dating. I remember one episode showed an entire scene of her getting a new bible for her birthday. I mean...come on. That's as interesting as this poor girl's…
Wasn't Christina the daughter of a preacher in that obscene crystal palace-ish mega church? And she went on that broadway audition that was so excruciatingly painful?
Yeah, my alma mater did this too except it's waaaaay too long.