Will you do a post for every food recall? Cause there are friggin tons of those. Or only Trader Joe recalls?
Will you do a post for every food recall? Cause there are friggin tons of those. Or only Trader Joe recalls?
A lot of people have food allergies so I can see why it's very important to have accurate labeling.
i always just imagined that he had a second outie belly button just above a pair of whispy, wrinkled prunes...
I bet he can only do it from behind so that he doesn’t have to acknowledge he’s having sex with a woman. Also, the woman must not show any pleasure at all. Kills the mood.
i bet his dick is really floppy and he has a hard time getting it up, and then blames you for it when he can’t do it.
This. I just threw out a BR sweater I’ve had for 19 years. The old stuff was great quality! None of my more recent purchases have lasted more than a couple of seasons at best.
Banana Republic has the same problem that J. Crew has. Part fit/style issues, but the main problem is that the quality has been steadily declining for over a decade and price points have stayed steady or increased (beyond normal inflation). No one wants to remain loyal to a store that keeps throwing crappily made…
For the same reason 10% of Latinos support him: they think they’re one of the good ones and he’s not talking about them.
Internalized misogyny. That also explains most everything else about women’s interactions with Donald Trump. Or Ted Cruz. Or the Republican Party generally.
What the fuck happened to VH1? I so miss Flavor of Love, Charm School, I Love Money...all their great trainwrecks. I like Love & Hip Hop but it doesn’t come close to the greatness that was classic VH1.
He hates the Muslim infidels and the homos. That’s all they need.
I absolutely will not. How dare you.
Imagine having sex with Ted Cruz
The Real Housewives brand was built on aspiration. In theory, many of the women are like slightly to moderately…