
It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

Not black enough? Gtfooh with that mess. People just don’t like her because she’s a lunatic with hateful views.

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

The Weeknd low-key dying was the best part of this.

So hot. So friggin hot. I would bottom for him :3


Marco is Laura, because he's prettiest.

Ugh, I don’t think I can watch this. I spent actual time today 1. complaining to a formerly smart person that her “Irish Lives Matter” historical news Facebook post from a to-me obviously racist page was Ugh, 2. Being told about how it was just her sarcastic sense of humor that I wasn’t getting, 3. Reading about how


Opening statements of the Republican “debate” (a.k.a. rage-whine):

For starters, it suggests that parents believe having a child of one gender is substantially different than having a child of another gender. It also suggests that parents haven’t thought much about the fact that picking the child’s sex doesn’t mean picking the gender.

Does Trump know anything about grammatical structure? His sentences sound like they were translated from English into Latin and then back into English again.

It seems beyond crazy that from the 293 Republican candidates we started with this election season, we have come down to basically Trump, Cruz and Rubio. One of these terrible, terrible people are actually going to be up for the chance to become President of America.

Goddamn, Ted Cruz is a fucking troll.

Invisible sky daddy hates spoilers.

How sad is Jeb! right now that his parents finally came to a school play and he isn’t even in it.

My childhood and teenage years were different than my male counterparts. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

people are mad because Christianity tells them to be.

To be fair to Chrissy I don’t know why people would be mad about her IVF process. I have a relative going through it and she had the option of choosing which sex of embryo she wanted transferred. Her and her husband opted just for the most genetically healthy one to be implanted and to keep the sex a surprise, but if

I gotta disagree this time. She was talking about using IVF on tv and idiots came running on twitter. Like “God didn’t mean for you to have a child” idiots.