I was more *GASP*, “Eww!”...but yeah. Same.
I was more *GASP*, “Eww!”...but yeah. Same.
That’s horrible. And I am going straight to Hell because my instinctive response was to burst out laughing. -_-
Seriously. Off the damn charts.
I hear you but finding a sitter is not always so easy and takes quite a bit of planning. Having a reasonable date night spot nearby that had in-house childcare would be a Godsend.
All I have to say is that I see that dress Goldie is wearing in Target every time I’ve gone in the past couple of months. I finger it longingly, wishing my tween were still small and psychologically malleable enough to agree to wear it. Then I head over to the jeggings and cut offs section, grabbing a couple of…
If I could give you my uterus (without needing to be dead first) I'd do it. I'm done with it and it grew 4 healthy, full term babies. :)
Uh huh. But are we assuming that that is why this woman wants the experience of pregnancy? I’m not. I’ve known enough women with fertility issues, including those who’ve adopted already or had a partner carry their other children, who just feel a...craving, for lack of a better word...for the experience of pregnancy.…
I’m not sure we can blame this on The Patriarchy.
“...which is of course common among adopted (sic) parents”
Good for her. Anyone who wants it is welcome to my very functional uterus if they need it. It grew 4 full term babies who have turned into 4 (extremely loud, sassy, non-stop eating) children.
Totes jealous. She wishes so hard that an adorable young hipster would fall deeply in worship with her like that delicious boy is with Carole.
How vague is the instruction to not “go there” if they “sense anger”? What is this bullshit “there” that professors are no longer allowed to “go” to? And now it’s their responsibility to not get shot and if they do it’s because they didn’t sense the anger in the room somewhere from someone and went “there”.
I’m curious if there are any effects on the baby when anti-rejection meds are taken throughout a pregnancy.
Trump’s syntax makes my head want to blow off my body. It almost makes me wistful for Sarah Palin’s made up word salad.
Us too. And when it was summertime she used to sprinkle it all over our sheets to keep us cooler while we were sleeping (we didn't have AC.
Agreed. Chemistry for days with those two. They just need to get married and make some ridiculously adorable babies already.