
Yeah, Riz Ahmed and all his back hair can get it with no problem.

Yes. Like Elaine on Seinfeld I wanted to yell at the screen, "JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"

I totally disagree that Jamie being utterly competent at everything was part of the appeal of the books. I rolled my eyes A LOT reading them: Oh look. Jamie's excellent at yet something else. Disbelief suspended.

From what I can remember of this part of the book, this reasoning never comes into play for Claire though. She doesn't make the argument (even in her own head) for keeping BJR alive because of the far and wide possible ramifications. She singularly focuses on Frank's survival being dependent on it. The scene played

That last scene was such a gut punch (and I even knew it was coming after reading the book). Such stellar acting, especially from Sam Heughan. After an entire episode of him keeping his cool with The Duke, St. Germaine, and even Black Jack himself…when he finally lost it with Claire his fury was that much more

Around Episode 3 I realized that the only redeeming features of the show are the opening sequence and the bits of actual ballet we get to see. The rest is dark for dark sake bordering on campy.

Even with an escort she could've figured out the layout of the prison and where he was being held so that they could come back to rescue him.