
Yep, those posters are common.

This is something I’m really passionate about—not only is my family from NOLA for several generations back, but this is very much a social justice issue. The consequences of so. many. housing units. being converted to short-term rentals for tourists are HUGE for not only the most

It might be fun, but you can’t buy the experience of being a local.

And the fact that renting an apartment nightly to tourists is much more profitable than an actual lease agreement to a local resident means that, by using Airbnb rather than a hotel room or an actual licensed B&B, you are helping to take a housing

Oh sweet Jesus this one is much worse.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG y’all. I am loving this show so hard and I haven’t even seen last night’s episode yet and now I’m gonna go watch it so I can actually read this post and nerd out because omgggg

But would you really want to spend Halloween night at Dracula’s digs? Does that really seem like a good idea to you?

That’s...odd. Tons of people are allergic to lube, and that’s probably what you were reacting to (the stuff they squirt on your cervix is basically vinegar, so no, you’re not gonna be allergic to that, but lube? Oh hell yes.).

Also could have been a latex allergy. Or an allergy/reaction to any antiseptic they may

It’s not work if you’re doing what you love!

Look, Wikipedia is a great place to start, but you don’t get to slap down a link to a Wikipedia article as if it’s the end-all be-all of proof.

And you didn’t even read your own damn article, because it says right. f-ing. there. that it wasn’t just United. It was apparently a requirement for all American airlines.


Yeah I’m not sure why I bothered. This moron is trashing your source and then running around with a Wikipedia link that doesn’t even “prove” him right (and if it did, the Wikipedia article cites print sources that aren’t accessible on the internets.). And what a stupid thing to argue about.

Maybe I’m just being

Hey, I don’t come down to where YOU work and tell you when to clock out at YOUR job.

And the Wikipedia article supports what I’m saying, so...?

Except it wasn’t just United. When the profession was in its nascency, female flight attendants were registered nurses.

Why are you so passionately fighting this? What does it really matter?

What are you even saying? At one time, flight attendants were RNs. That’s what the OP said.

Yeah, the vast majority of flight attendants that have ever flight-attended were not RNs. No one ever claimed they were.


This is a popular meme in that crowd? Damn, evangelicals must be really easily impressed, because I don’t see this guy drawing a whole lot of parallels between Samson and Trump. Like, his entire point is that Trump is a big hero and Marco Rubio is a “midget” who “poked” him at the debate (it was a fucking

Well, not higher, but yeah, they were originally RNs.

Fraying of the yarn while knitting? Like the yarn is falling apart?

So, are the individual strands coming untiwsted, and turning into like 2 or more thinner yarns? Or is it that one piece of yarn is breaking into 2, as if you snapped or cut it, except with frayed edges? like as if you took a cotton ball and

Oh god, can you please post a link to that?

Wow. You sure are...something.

Good thing the Constitution still protects his wife’s right to have an abortion without consulting him first.

“Well, you said you were hoping that wasn’t what she met, so you clearly got it.”