Just because people who weren't there can't prove it happened, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Just because people who weren't there can't prove it happened, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Hah! "If only you'd chosen the right name, I'd be blessed with flowing locks of scarlet. Thanks a lot, ma."
Aw, she should have just used the Americanized version (Shavonne).
For real.
Dec 24 baby here. Sucks.
Uhhh...if you're baptized in the Catholic church, you're Catholic.
18 is not an arbitrary number. It's the age you become a legal adult.
The EMS cannot take someone against their will unless they are unconscious (therefore it is presumed that they would consent if they had a say in the matter) or mentally incompetent.
If that girl regained consciousness and did not consent to being treated or transported to the hospital and they took her anyway, it…
I would love you forever if you could link me to that...
Except Mississippi has the 2nd highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation, so it doesn't look like that abstinence-only education is actually working re: getting them to wait very long for "the right guy or gal":
Yes, actually.
OMG please video this and put it on the internet.
LOL thank you.
Exposing yourself to a child is illegal. But hey, thanks for playing!
You know fuck-all about the law.
Grown-ass man taunts a child by telling her he shat on her belongings.
Grown-ass man then abuses the authority the child's mother has (irresponsibly and neglectfully) bestowed upon him him by refusing to let her leave the table and escape his abuse.