
Kudos to Julia-Louis Dreyfuss's performance - Selina is such an awful human being but I still can't help wanting her to get a win even if it involves Tom James leaving his pregnant wife (which is totally horrendous). That's how good she is in this role.

Av club always has such great insights.
I love reading these reviews. Just sayin'…

Here come the trolls to defend the troll by attempting to discredit the victim by skewing the truth. What do you weird sad sacks get out of this behavior?

Uh okay - you mean that time he was investigating an underage self-pornographer and was trying to gain his trust undercover by posing as a client? I think the freak and liar might be you….

Doesn't the set-up for season two completely undermine the entire premise of Michael's gambit? If they separate the four characters, how are they going to drive each other crazy?

Come on! You know Jan the Man, Keith, and Keith's shadow are the best in the biz! I think they probably suffered the same issues that Richard had which was how to explain it to lay people? You can still go B2B, let Apple incorporate it into their interface, and benefit from millions of users. Users aren't always

Not exactly as I understand it but they could market it that way to the public.

But if it's B2B they don't necessarily have to fix the U/X, just hire some sales engineers and sell it to Apple, Google…any business that does significant business in file transfers. It seems like they're positioned incorrectly - B2C is clearly a stretch for them but Richard insisted on it because he wants to build


This show in its entirety, holistically, is very interesting.The salespeople hired by Jack said early on that they couldn't sell the platform and they were right. They also said they should go B2B and they were probably right. So is this whole series about an antihero who can't get beyond his own cluelessness? Are we

They have absolutely no chemistry so, hope they gave up on that.

Oh my god you're right! Hilarious!

Jared's invites were all women he's slept with. The level of honesty you get there would correspond, I guess, to their perception of his skills in the sack?

Yes I think so. Either it's going to be too neatly solved and they telegraphed it too early or we're totally wrong and the solution to Richard's woes will be a total surprise…. Or the show is totally cynical and there is no solution to Richard's woes… Can't decide what will be most satisfying…

Think he'll use that money to fund whatever new company Richard builds to keep the integrity of his original platform? Hmmmm I wonder….

Jared should be CEO amirite? Richard built the tech but Jared helped develop the company.,.

I can see what you're saying, but in the video he has such a large posse of supportive women and his other videos continue to develop Kelly as a person to the extent that she comes out the other side unscathed as, what I perceive to be, an unapologetic feminist icon.

Have some whiskey honey! Makes ya feel betta!

Was 28. Facebook was barely a thing. I'm ancient.

Marnie covered Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians - those weren't "original lyrics." For crying out loud AV Club.