No One Knows What The Dead Think

Did he think that Poland was a state of mind, or something?

I love onions, but no ingredient of ordered food should be a surprise. Cilantro is the devil’s secret ingredient that never gets mentioned until you have a mouthful of slimy soap.

Anyone whose had to take a rasher of shit from a vegan who wanted to let you know just how much of a monster you are for your food choices knows it is no strawman; these people exist, are extremely unpleasant, and deserve to have their self-righteousness spit back in their face.

That hardly rates a “Wow”. That’s more knowing head-shake territory.

Malcomson gives a haunted, haunting turn, and as she grapples with having another death on her conscious and weighs her commitment

At a local park the city had installed a 9/11 Memorial a few years ago. The inscription reads:

Legislators in most common law countries (including the US) enjoy what is called absolute immunity—which is so-called to distinguish it from the qualified immunity enjoyed by professionals in the pursuit of their professional obligations—from any suit of law or criminal charge that results directly from their duties

The “I know my rights” types

It sounds like the ‘90s happened pretty hard to this here movie that you love.

But for serious this time.

Counterpoint: They would have had three seasons worth of complaints. That the show was a gargantuan achievement never meant it could be all things to all people all the time, and the more ADHD addled among the audience monkeys had started to throw poo at the screen three seasons ago.

His speech obviously borrowed the cadence from the famous Niebuhr, but he was making a very different point with it. 

Well, it was both concise and correct, which is all you can ever hope for from a rebuttal.

Or, perhaps, lazy readers breed lazy watchers, and anytime that they aren’t handheld from A to B to C a good portion of them get confused and ornery.

It is interesting that you bring up the specifically American perspective in all this, because it had occurred to me that for a people who have a marked tendency to “liberate” cities from the air by lighting them on fire, we are awfully whiny and squeamish when the results of what something like that really looks like

The purpose it served was personal and psychological. He had, immediately prior, learned himself that his entire family backstory was a lie, the most honorable man he ever knew lied to him his whole life about who he even was (never mind not being a bastard), and all of that is on top of having the terrible secret


Hey you guys! I know this is a long time ago and all, but do you guys remember that time the most powerful person in the world decided he didn’t like a tyrant and so he lit the tyrant’s capital city on fire from the air—even called the bombing campaign “Shock and Awe”—and killed tens of thousands of non-combatants?

Proximity to power shortens one’s lifespan, like a moth dancing upon a flame. The pursuit of power is a black hole that sucks in all hope of life and light while condemning its pursuers to degeneration and death, abandonment of any values, scruples, or conscience, and before long their dark fate destroys all those

W-E-E-K, that spells “three years”.