No One Knows What The Dead Think

We live in the age of ingratitude and the hot take. A literal embarrassment of riches, a feast for the eyes and ears, a truly stupendous feat of storytelling that is this show—all eight seasons of it—and like clockwork, ingrates with their unbelievably petty complaints swarm on in to defecate out their mouths about

it would have been nice to see the northern soldiers kind of looking at Jon like, “Uh?”

But you’re, like, mature and well-adjusted, with a good understanding of the role and limitations of art.

Oh, come on, you lined it right up for me. :)

“That’s an offensive weapon, that is!”

You weren’t paying attention.

Veruca Salt was a prophecy. People just want it all, now, and exactly as they imagined it, but also with surprises.

So, weird thought.

That makes no sense at all. I was using existential threat in the appropriate way—a way of life, violently destroyed—and you come back with alien invaders killing all humans. Do you even English, bro?

Well, no, you very much did say that. “Please tell me when in WW2 we were fighting an alien threat whose intention was to wipe out all humans.”

Existential threat doesn’t exclusively mean “kill all humans”; that usage would only be in regards to an existential threat specifically against the human race. Its generic meaning means “threaten the existence of” and when applied its more-common-by-far usage means “irrevocably destroy a way of life or a prior

All citizens who believe in the rule of law should.

Um, she also got fucked by a pirate and pined after elephants.

While I thought the episode was mostly a triumph, the Euron/Jaime fight scene was garbage, simply because Euron ended up being a complete waste of time as a character.

First, it was last week, not two weeks ago.

It was a Christian who decisively and pithily rejected this line of reasoning with: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.”

Her hesitancy about Jon is a matter of the heart, and not-so-coincidentally her last connection to the world of the not-insane. He’s next on her list after King’s Landing.

Please tell me exactly how long after the allies prevailed in WWII were they at each other’s throats in the Cold War. A year? Year-and-a-half, tops?

Her beef was with her (partly paranoid, partly justified) assumption that Westeros—its people, commoners and lords both—is rejecting her. 

That’s what happens when you show up to the big battle without your elephants.