Of you are by definition garbage for associating with them in any way, then shouldn’t we just kill them?
Of you are by definition garbage for associating with them in any way, then shouldn’t we just kill them?
I’m sure some turn-of-the-century famous asshole (P.T. Barnum? H.L. Mencken?) has a pithy quote to explain this.
That’s what’s fascinating and terrifying and weirdly different about Alex Jones from the rest of the nut pack. Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter, heck, Glenn Beck have all had their 5% moments. But never Alex Jones. He is 100% pure high-grade lunatic.
That increases the chances quite a bit that JK is just a meat-puppet for a particularly eccentric Culture Mind.
Please don’t serve on a jury or have a hand in raising children. Ever.
Y’know, there isn’t actually a rule in English about dangling prepositions. English isn’t Latin. At some point, grammar teachers who were also ridiculous martinets forgot this little factoid that English is not Latin and decided to inflict the rules of a dead language on living children speaking a different language fo…
Can’t handle four short paragraphs. SAD!
This is awfully whiny and hollow coming from someone not directly related to the recently deceased. The guy did a lot of stuff, and much of it was on a really big public stage and done to millions of people, and much of that was harmful.
Sure. The proper course is to take idiots, pat them on the forehead, and tell them they’re geniuses who are doing swell. Because that sort of attitude couldn’t possibly have anything to do with a guy like Trump existing and succeeding, now, could it?
Nobody could possibly know any of those intentions from your original post. That is why you’re being called out: Not for bad intentions, but for piss poor execution. Your original post could have been for any of a hundred purposes, the most obvious and parsimonious of which is simply to increase the visibility of a…
The way I definitely knew that was his first reaction to the question was, (paraphrase): “Well, I don’t know anything about this presidenting thing, so maybe I’ll do some studying and politicking and you can ask me again in 2024 or 2028.”
She did win. He was fired. The restaurant’s reputation was dinged. I sincerely doubt that either of those things would have happened if the confrontation was not direct and immediate.
If she had done what you suggest, not only would she have been denied a service to which she had every right to request, but the manager would have gone on thinking this was acceptable instead of behavior over which a person can be rightfully fired.
There’s nothing selfish about providing for oneself.
You mean, communicate with his base? Because that’s who he’s talking to. Sure, it’s addressed to Rouhani, but it’s not for him. It’s for those true believers who wavered in the face of Trump’s Helsinki performance, to get them back on-side.
But she has dyed hair red like real Russian superagent Natasha Romanov. It is sufficient for this task. [/hammy Russian accent]
I always took B5's Clark to be a mash-up of Dr. Strangelove‘s General Ripper and President Muffley.
The guy came to the meeting strapped, ass-holster style. FJ’s entire demeanor changes when he sees it, so my read on the scene is he is trying to prevent getting offed as the argument inevitably turns sour; the shock-and-awe spacing was just bonus.
Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon, too!