No One Knows What The Dead Think

If you’re looking for a relatively recent positive portrayal of small town America, you could do worse than to check out Jericho. Sure, the backdrop might be nuclear war and a chilling vision of the end of the United States as a polity, but still. Positive portrayal of a small town.

Even extremely evil people do not deserve to have their genitals grabbed by a lumbering orange pustule without consent and warning.

It only takes one.

So I take it you haven’t tried it, on account of:

Go tell that to a Russian.

Where’s the outcry for Johansson playing a Russian expatriate as Black Widow when she herself isn’t one?

Because the Democratic Party has been busy running away from the socialism-inspired pieces of their platform and legacy for a long time. And, hey a Cold War will justify that for while a Cold War is happening, but now? They are just so used to denying being red that they are reflexively terrified of a proud socialist.

Because those states don’t have state governments or anything.

Uh, the person she cared about most made it to safety. That’s what she gained. What does it matter why she cares about the person, the fact is she does.

Especially toward the first half of the season, it was basically impossible to know for sure what time-period each scene was occurring in, not least because it was unclear from context clues even how many time periods the narrative was dealing with. So people who claim they could keep it all straight from day one who

It’s feckless to you!

Perhaps you should take a moment to acknowledge to yourself that your way of viewing this complicated philosophical idea is neither the only way of viewing it nor “the correct one”.

But the reality of the matter is that instead of achieving anything like that, it will defray blame by making nobody truly responsible, and so everyone involved escapes approbation. When “everyone” is responsible, nobody is, and consequently nothing will change.

Public official != Public figure.

Directly. We’re paying his salary directly, not via the invisible pinky finger of John Smith’s velvet glove. And you know that was their point, so your response is nothing but waving your arms about in a panicky but entertaining fashion.

They were being a bit too tolerant of fascists, now that you mention it. A good change!

Publishing a public official’s contact info is not doxxing at all, so you don’t have to worry your grey area about it.

I agree that the show doesn’t seem particularly interested in hacking at the philosophical conundrum (although there is one episode left this season, so who knows). But I also think, seeing that it is essentially the Star Trek Transporter problem, that like Star Trek not much is served story-wise by digging into

That was uncalled for. We disagree, that’s all.

Which is what I said at the very beginning: Philosophically, it’s complicated, but pragmatically, it’s trivial. Whatever being has the memories that an individual person uses to project their own continuity is, in every way that matters, that person; remembering yesterday is what allows a person to assume that today