
I just feel that religion shouldn’t be propped up as a rational explanation or defense in any kind of discussion. If I were to tell you I get on my knees every night and pray to the Wizard of Oz and that, sometimes, he talks back, you’d have me committed.

As an agnostic, I genuinely don’t see the difference. I don’t think O’s Poes and Bohs is being edgy at all; I think they’re making a very somber, black and white observation about the ridiculous things we tolerate in society (Christian religion) and the ridiculous things we do not (talking about your invisible friends

I love how using “this guy has accepted Jesus as his personal savior” is thought to be a reasonable defense, but “this guy is encouraged by his invisible friend who lives in a trash can in the backyard” isn’t. They’re both pretty much the same thing, just one you can go to church with other people who have the same

After listening to that voicemail, I don’t know what I’m more surprised by, that Deadspin has a phone number or that Richie Incognito has it.


They and the Republican party are just nostalgic for the good old days of 1929 and 2008. Now, if they could just get to work on those outdated child labor laws...

Randy Bryce is so aggressively Wisconsin and Paul Ryan is supposedly a wonky nerd. Like, they are the opposite of the stereotypes of each of their parties and I can’t fucking wait to see how this pans out.

I find myself more and more hoping my belief that there is no afterlife, and certainly not one that confirms to traditional Christian beliefs, is completely wrong.

Lauren Theisen had never heard of the Bud Bowl.

I wonder if leaders in China wear “China” hats that are made in the USA?

Pictured: Idiot, in vain attempt to kickstart brain into remembering where he lives.

My friend and I have this theory of style where a good chunk of people will dress in the phase of life that was their most “self actualized self.” For example, this explains the 1000's of dudes at Yankees games in jorts, crisp vintage Jordans, Jeter jersey, flat brim, and a chain of some sort.

“LaVar Ball Calls For CERN Boycott After They Refuse To Name New Element Bigballerbrandium”

I really wish ESPN still did those corny “fantasy” games, you know, like the 80s 49ers against the 70s Steelers. Only I’d love to see the ‘08 Lions against the ‘17 Browns. I have to imagine it would end in a meteor hitting the stadium late in the fourth quarter with it tied 2-2.

Say this for my generation, sure we may not have done much to prevent the slow decline of our civilization or stave off the imminent environmental catastrophe that will imperil our grandchildren but...we made some fucking funny signs.

Now that’s funny

This was Fox News at 7:10.

Oh, great, we have a valley girl for president.