Nolan Giesbrecht

I did not think this would be my first comment on this site, but here we are.

“And I’m backing it up with this gun from grandfather’s arsenal”

Actually, still not right. They were three games shy of the Cup finals. 

Johnny Damon is clearly not a HoFer, but Santana has a case for being Koufax-lite and if you hold faith with defensive analytics then Jones should be inducted.

Career: McGriff

That’s fair and I get that point of view. And probably mostly agree theoretically.

Speaking of North, the Jets logo has a compass point at N as a reference to the group that bought the team - True North Sports and Entertainment. 

I spent a short while in India - Hyderabad mostly - and the traffic was intimidating to say the least.

When I first saw this news, I, as a Christian, was completely in agreement with you. It makes me mad.

GRRM talks about the length of his books as a reason for the wait?

It’s amazing how a specific set of circumstances and coincidences can trick the brain into believing the impossible/improbable.

HAL 9000

I worked at a non-profit that mainly works with kids and teens. We had to do training as well, and it's the same here in Canada where you must report sexual abuse.

I wasn’t really trying refute your point as much as taking the opportunity to tell a fun story.

I know someone that from where I live - Manitoba, Canada - who is a Native guy and a hunter. At times he will hunt timber wolves for local farmers if they have been preying on their livestock.

Well, I have a relative on Facebook that is continually posting articles about how green energy is too expensive for the energy it produces. I have responded multiple times that, yes, that may be true now (I have no idea if it is), but we have to start somewhere if we want a truly viable source of clean energy.

I am Canadian. Hate Tim Horton’s coffee with a passion. Sewage water is a step up.

Completely agree.

Gah. I’m the guy who is a classic “hunt and peck” and I got 42 on the Aesop’s fables passage.

Not sure where you live, but up here in Manitoba, TC is a godsend. I love it.