Noisy Pip

My theory is that most of the supernatural happenings will prove to be caused by the microorganisms that were being studied by the Tsalal group breaking free of their frozen prisons and somehow infecting everyone’s brains.

My wild speculation: the “she” will have something to do with the legend that Pete’s kid drew the creepy drawing of (cut to grandma’s dramatic storytelling in a later episode), but that’ll be the spiritual interpretation while the scientific one will be the microorganism was “reawakened” by the project (perhaps by

This one felt like the most overt horror homage with the orange rolling back, the scientist seemingly getting possessed, and the “quid pro quo” bit. I couldn’t help but cackle at the possession voice—The Exorcist/Exorcist III came to mind too—from a combination of the creepy surprise and how over the top demon-y it

Danvers was being an unreliable narrator with Pete about the abusive husband case she and Navarro worked on. As we saw in the flashback, he killed his wife, but he was alive when they got there. I’m guessing Danvers or Navarro shot him in cold blood (pun intended). This is part of their complicated dynamic, a bond

How’s Nicki’s cousins boyfriends big ass vaccine balls?

Oh it’s pretty firmly established at this point. Nicki thinks she’s the queen of rap and will undercut anyone who she feels is competition (aside from signing Ice Spice to her label, I think, but I doubt that works out well for Spice).

Just another notch in the post of my theory that Minaj is a terrible, awful, horrible person.

Huskies like to spend time in the snow and complain incessently if forced back inside prematurely. They can go to sleep on the bare ground, let the snow pile up on them and get up right as rain in the morning.

Pay attention better then?

Brother, uncle, whatever, time is a flat circle. The connection has been made. The spiral is also in both seasons. Plus, the Tuttle Corp behind the lab is the same as the baddies from season 1. Bring it! I’m in!

The plush polar bear actually shows up in the first episode, right before Navarro sees the real one and the plush is definitely missing its eye.

“If you follow the taxes you can trace it back to a shell company called ‘NC Global Strategies’, which, in turn, belongs to ‘Tuttle United.’”

Where’s the callout for Liz asking Evangeline “where are the canned stuff now”?  Hard to believe that E is yet another of Liz’s partners to keep warm, but it would explain the level of pain/conflict between the 2 of them.

He is specifically mentioned again as being in a coma

Ys, it was. She gets told that over the phone. Jfc, what’s with the multiple people in the comments criticizing the article because they are apparently incapable of following the show, even though it’s streaming and you can pause and/or rewind whenever necessary?

“it’s a whole other thing to have one of said inhabitants roaming around the tundra nude and newly thawed from a human iceberg.”

The Tuttles. Yeah, I am surprised that so many people missed thaat.

The right question scene was the best of the show so far; among other things, it shows why Danvers is not just a small town police chief but was exiled for whatever reason.

That’s from the phone call as she’s walking into the high school and juggling the conversation with the nurse with the police radio.

Missed the fact Travis's last name was Cohle... And the research facility is funded by the same family from season 1.