Noisy Pip

Near Dark is great but feels more like an action movie/thriller with vampires than a horror movie.

night of the comet is a vibe

Ha, I recently got a Night of the Comet blu ray for like ten bucks. Glad I held out for the deal, though I do really like it

Pretty solid list. I could nitpick a little and say that Tenebrae doesn’t need to be on here, or that calling They Live a horror film is a bit of a stretch, but those are personal preferences. However, in what world does anybody rank The Fog higher than An American Werewolf in London? That’s ridiculous. I’m surprised T

I love Hellraiser II. Soooo weird. Personally, I find all the love Night of the Comet gets a bit baffling. Even though I like it.

I love Hellraiser 2. Or at least, I remember loving Hellraiser 2 so much in high school that I watch it every few years and say to myself, “This is such a piece of shit, but I’m looking forward to seeing it again.” Roger Ebert’s zero-star review is also a masterpiece.

If you can’t laugh at a rain stick being used to serenade a table, then you have a poor sense of humor.

That walking in circles was great. Loved when NoHo had to run back to get into position. Who was NoHo texting? Fuches?

The real irony is that attendees aren’t allowed to carry guns are in the venues at NRA conventions. Them things is dangerous and some speaker or NRA official might get hurt.

“Common psychiatric drugs and marijuana are causing psychotic breaks that lead to these shootings...”

You are more than welcome to let them live where you walk and your kids play.  Dodge a few drug needles, walk around broken glass, step in human feces and trip over partially burned trash and let me know if you will still welcome them.

says a guy who is defending folks that crap in shrubs and throw their trash everywhere.

I get it, Times are tough and I’m not against people living in their motor homes as opposed to a house, but people tend to make a “territory” for themselves and start acquiring things that spill outside of their Motor home and dirty up their surroundings. Then get mad at people for driving around their “space” that is

it’s clear to me that this is less about a general parking problem and more about a homeless-people-living-in-their-vehicle problem,

That’s exactly it. They got too comfortable and took their ideal situation for granted. By doing so, the NIMBYs took notice, and once that happens? Party’s over.

Did you buy a large vehicle and make a public park your home? Will you help take care of said park? Come at me, but make it make sense

That was in fact NOT Lottie’s longtime therapist, who ultra-suspiciously did not show & was replaced by a shady (fake?) therapist with a suspicious interest in her visions & apparent disinclination to up her meds

1. WOW. I thought for sure that kid was dead.

The majority of abortions in the US are for married women who already have kids. The drunken slut on spring break is a minority, but the GOP doesn't want you knowing that. 

I am cautiously optimistic. Loved seasons 1 and 3, and unlike seemingly everyone else, still enjoyed season 2, especially the performances by McAdams, Farrell, and Kitsch. I like when Foster does darker material like this and The Brave One.