Noisy Pip

‘...his two new grandsons, Aegon and Viserys. The Targaryens really need to add more names to their repertoire...’

Reading the book I thought maybe they’d make him look like a dick by making that unprovoked comment after all the nice toasts, but when Luke laughed at him when they brought the pig I thought it was earned.”

You know, I honestly did forget that. In my defense, with the time skip and new actors (both of whom look pretty different from their younger counterparts), it’s a little tough to keep track. Still, you’re probably right, I’m sure that offense takes priority.
But boy have I got “Aegon” my face! *rim shot*

It’s a very clear reference to Jon Snow who unites the realm in his fight against the cold enemies from the North. He also in a way liberated the Westeros from the grip of Targaryens. I think the victory is  destruction of the iron throne which is a symbol of oppression. Aegon I was the conqueror and the Last Aegon

Off-topic, I’ve rewatched that series of scenes so many times. From the point when Arya has the conversation w/Melisandra...”...You said I’d shut many eyes forever...brown eyes, green eyes...and blue eyes.”

Wow. I know we all love the epic battles and fights but few shows know how to execute character drama like the Thrones universe. The succession for Driftmark scene was prime stuff. Viserys coming in and interrupting the chaos was one of the best scenes we’ve ever gotten in the ASOIAF universe. And I’m almost

I don’t think Rhaenyra being entitled holds too much weight when she went out of her way to give a tribute to Alicent and try to bury the hatch at the dinner. That had to take a tremendous amount of strength especially after episode 7 where she’s stabbed by Alicent and has her kid’s legitimacy questioned.

Earned? Don’t know about that.

I think he became my favorite character on the show, at least the most likable. I kind of grew into the charm of him as king, like he gave everybody peace and prosperity and kept on doing the noble thing and just wanted people to shut up and leave him alone. I get that.

It’s goofy, especially with how young Rhaenyra’s kids look. 

Am I the only one who thinks the casting for Aemond was really off? It looks like he’s in his mid-30s while everyone else has aged appropriately. Kind of reminds me of SNL sketches where they use whoever is around to fill in roles resulting in some characters looking wildly older than others for humorous effect. 


This was my favorite episode by far. Viserys was weak and ineffective but god I felt bad for him. Seeing him look like he chose poorly for the Holy Grail was rough. Made worse by knowing he died thinking he solved his family fighting but in reality nothing changed. Poor lad.  Paddy did an amazing job.

That new Hellraiser sucked.  Very dull, full of bad writing, contributed nothing at all to the franchise.

Amy seems like a nice person; every body else mentioned seems like a self absorbed asshole who talks about “the work” like they were building a Pagani Zonda from raw metal and wood.

I don’t think that Jolie has never fully shaken off the persona of dark temptress in the eyes of the average Team Aniston schmo. And Brad, well, he’s just a good ol’ blonde haired, blue eyed wholesome All American man from Oklahoma who ain’t never worn no blood necklace. Even if the case is legally ruled in her favor,

Gloria Steinem was Christian Bale’s stepmother. Possibly she needs to have a talk with him

Interesting to use the phrase “crazy good” about Jolie. That wasn’t intentional?

Let the Right One In was very well done, the kind of movie that afterward you aren’t even sure what you should be most disturbed by about it