Noisy Pip

Literally none of what you said was accurate, you racist piece of dog shit. The vast majority of White people never even live around, nor meaningfully interact with Black people. Eat a bag of glass, worthless troll.

“When the walls of the modern day Jericho come tumbling down...what will your...response be?”


When your mom calls again, tell her we're praying for Macie, too. 

You’ve said you don’t believe but I do. I pray God blesses your mother and grants her a special peace. I can’t imagine having a son like you in this world. And I mean that in all the proudest and scared-est ways from the pit of my stomach!

I’m always taken back at just how much hatred White people have for Black people and how that must affect their day to day lives. The fact that we’re just living our lives, minding our business and they have this frothing rage against us is so bizarre lol. Just watching us continue to survive and excel and influence

He is beyond evil!!!!

6.4K dead in your state.

I am now sad too, I bet his response would have been awesome.

I feel every bit of this with all of my guts, and I say that as a person who’s very beloved dad has cancer, and underwent a procedure in October that wiped out all of his vaccinations and is not cleared yet to get re-vaccinated for anything at all. It really is time for America to reset, and this ghoulish nightmare

I assume we’ll be on the third wave by fall, the second wave should hit us in earnest before the end of the month.

Probably Memorial Day weekend? Hell, yeah, Memorial Day weekend.

Minority communities were impacted greater than white communities. This has led to a presumption by white communities that susceptibility to Coronavirus is tied to socio-economic/race conditions. NOT, with being in non-essential jobs or being able to work from home.

Trump was the death knell for this country’s position as a superpower. Even when he glances at a reasonable policy—facing off with China more aggressively—he executes all policies according to his own selfish whim and in the worst fashion possible. He doesn’t even get what he’s trying for half the time.

Oh cool, so they just pulled this out of their ass.

With the camera I’m guilty until I can prove myself innocent

Any car I’ve owned and many cars I’ve seen on the road with a turn signal bulb out will flash the other light bulb twice as fast. Instead of click click click for your left signal, you’ll get clickity click clickity click. Though it would be nice if just normal headlight bulb out or brake light bulb out would give a

The key is they cause more low speed rear end collision, but reduce high speed t-bone collisions.  A yellow light count down timer would really help things out, too.

Dozens of countries have contained this epidemic with testing, masks, and contact tracing—Republicans have fought against all of these things. Trump leads them with his refusal to wear a mask and shutting down state run contact tracing programs.