It’s strange, because the show definitely mentions that Beric Dondarrion’s deaths and resurrections have taken a massive toll on him. That doesn’t seem to apply to Jon.
It’s strange, because the show definitely mentions that Beric Dondarrion’s deaths and resurrections have taken a massive toll on him. That doesn’t seem to apply to Jon.
You make a reasonable case. You’ll definitely be fine if you made it through the Anita Blake books!
For what it is, I don’t think it was too expensive. It can definitely take a beating, as I can’t work the controls for shit and pretty much fly it into the walls at top speed every time we use it.
We’ve tried three different ones now, starting with the “tower” in the clip above. Our cats will play along for a couple of months, but eventually figure out that all of these can be shoved onto the floor and broken. The problem is they have to get to the fallen food faster than the dog, who hears the feeder hit the…
Despite having read the books, I only made it through season 3 of the series. It went too far off the rails for me, and that’s coming from someone who tore through the delightfully trashy novels about vampires and were-animals and witches and fairies.
Left-handed here and my left shift key is battled hardened and worn, as is the space bar where my right thumb hits it. Left shift and right space is the only way to function.
I think he’s referring to the ads that run on the sidebar of this page. Even with my ad blocker, those fuckers get through.
I also think one of the problems with Gage was the longer they’re dead, the less like themselves they are when they return.
Hooray for Bag of Bones! I don’t know many people who liked that one, but I adored it and, for me, it had one of the scariest passages of any Stephen King book. The passage was, I think, his first Sara Laughs nightmare and the dread was so strong as I was reading, I had to close the book and finish the chapter in the…
The news did make my day, even if I’m not entirely convinced it will come to fruition. That article was published in April 2018 and, unfortunately, I can’t find any updates more recent than that.
It’s something!!! I won’t hold my breath until I hear casting is complete and they give a tentative release date, but this is wonderful news.
I cannot wait until the day someone tackles The Long Walk and, hopefully, does make it a faithful adaptation as you stated. I can never truly choose a favorite of his short stories/novellas, but it’s definitely in my top three.
For me, it’s mainly because Ellie had her own story and her story had to do with Church, the repercussions of Louis’ decision to bring Church back, and her Mom’s complete inability to deal with death. I do acknowledge that a pre-teen would be able to inflict a lot more damage than an unsteady-on-his feet toddler,…
Pet Sematary was the second Stephen King book I ever read. The Dead Zone was my first and was given to me by my Great-Grandmother when I was around 10. Pet Sematary was published the same year, or possibly the year after, and was the first in my annual Christmas morning tradition of getting a new Stephen King book to…
On topic but off topic, there was an episode of Dirty Money (Netflix) that covers the Maple Syrup mafia in Canada and it’s the real deal.
“I’m sure Democrats who see abortion as the cure for Down syndrome and other disabilities are sincerely concerned about kids having the chance to be in the Special Olympics,” Wolking wrote on Twitter Thursday morning.
My doctor has never mentioned if mine are dense or not, but I have yet to get a mammogram that isn’t followed up by an ultrasound. They never find anything, but they vaguely mention calcium deposits and ask me to come back in four months or six months, depending on which tech I seem to get, then send me on my way. The…
Only when the checks bounce, unfortunately.