Noisy Pip

It must also be said that my BF, who could be called Beardy McManly by most standards, got ten shades of choked up watching this advertisement.

It’s also almost guaranteed that the types of men (and their enabling wives or partners) who are oh so offended by this are likely the same ones who want to tell women to take responsibility for their safety by never drinking in mixed company, never being outside alone and wearing shapeless bags in order to not tempt

TJ Orange Chicken is my absolute favorite and I’m thrilled to know there is another option, on the off chance I don’t feel like squeezing into the always packed Trader Joe’s in my neighborhood. We made a Costco trip last night; I wish I had known!

  • Is this real? Fake? Who knows! But the only question I have is: Rosario, why??? [New York Post]

Someone is out there spreading exactly that, as there were a few comments about the “deep state” and Trump resigning this evening on a local news article about tonight’s scheduled hatefest.

I wonder if, inexplicably, 4 and 9 aren’t actually the same woman, but the same nurse? Give these women their narcotics!

It did make me chuckle, and that’s always appreciated.  

Hm. It’s definitely not at all oddly emotional and over-the-top to conflate a character’s actions in a fantasy series with my first world status. Nice work.

While I never got the full villain from her book character, she definitely teeters back and forth between who she is (Fire & Blood) and who she wants to be (Peaceful Savior) in the later books. I think GRRM included at least some foreshadowing with regards to her eventual fall into tyranny and/or madness, or if he

We were actually discussing your last point as we watched the second episode in S7 - she literally has her dragons going for her, but what else other than a name and a sense that it all belongs to her? Well, unfortunately, she now has the support of the North, and possibly the Vale, although the loyalty of that gang

I hope you’re right about that. We only watched the first two episodes last night, and I do remember her teetering toward the crazy and Tyrion kind of taking note and feeling worried about it a few episodes in, but everything about her attitude in those first two episodes was off-putting.

A teaser is what we’ve already seen, though. I know they’re eager to lock down all the details for this final season, but a real trailer would go a long way toward keeping up the hype by giving us nerds footage to dissect, especially since there are no leaks like last year.

Even though those nails give me the same thought, I misread your comment as her actually stabbing her baby and was both confused and disturbed for the briefest second.  

If they’re far enough into production that he’s seen rough cuts of each episode, why can’t they throw us a bigger bone? A six second clip isn’t giving me the fix I neeeeeed!

Maybe it’s just my love of that particular shade of periwinkle, but Gaga’s dress and hair were one of my favorite looks of the night. It’s possible I just have bad taste, but I can live with it.

Although the brief taste of the new tunes above sounds very much like a combo of Wings for Marie Pt 1, Lateralus and Parabola, I love all three of those tracks and would be thrilled to get more of the same.

Something about my browser won’t allow me to watch this and I demand satisfaction! Yes, I already watched it the other day, but I want to watch it again.

JFC, he’s really on one today, isn’t he?  Maybe he always tweets that much, but I had to scroll much longer than usual today.  

And yet, I watched it three times at work and I’m about to watch it a fourth.  The visuals are glorious.  

I’ve not had a moment to read the other replies, but thank you for a solid defense of this movie!