Exactly. At the very least, brandishing a weapon is an impetus for getting his guns taken away and that *is* what they fear the most.
Exactly. At the very least, brandishing a weapon is an impetus for getting his guns taken away and that *is* what they fear the most.
I wish the comment hadn’t been ungreyed, but I do appreciate the accuracy of your reply.
SAME! Once I realized who it was, I wondered how I got so old.
Pointless anecdote, but I was 93% through this movie when I finally realized the guy playing the bassist was the kid from Jurassic Park.
I definitely knew it wasn’t you by the content of his posts, but I didn’t realize it was that troll. I’ve seen him and flagged him on The Root, too, so I’ll keep it up over here on AV Club. No pity for the wicked. :)
Have you noticed you have a little clone all over these threads? He even shares the profile pic, the difference being he has “Ret’d” after his name. Just a heads-up in case you never sift through the greys.
I didn’t even know they were married. I wish I hadn’t googled it to see their wedding photo.
Your question was rhetorical, but I’ll answer it all the same. “Fuck you, I got mine” is the only consistent thought in any of their heads. If they were capable of guilt, shame, or regret, they wouldn’t be who they are today.
Thank you for posting that. <3 I took three minutes out of my day to watch it and no matter how many times I’ve seen the movie, it *is* moving.
I’m with Gwen on this one. Ed is an easy first choice and Raising Arizona was my first exposure to the Coen Brothers, too.
No notification for your reply, still. :( But! I was able to find you all the same.
It really may be the wig that’s throwing me, but something about that last image screams blonde frat guy in a wig wearing blackface.
Thank you for the tip. I do agree with his take on this particular post, but as Arnheim said, I’ll read very carefully in the future.
Thank you! I was never out of the greys on Splinter and that was a-ok with me as long as I could still pull up the comments and read plenty of thoughtful and/or amusing replies without having to sift through so much garbage.
Thanks to your (correct) visual aids, I’m now craving both stuffing and dressing.
Never accused of having fancy tastes, my Mom’s steak and rice has always been my request for my birthday dinner. I’m 45 now and rarely see her on my actual birthday, but she’ll give me a call sometime within a few days after May 12th and tell me to come pick up my birthday dish.
This is the dish I’m always asked to bring and I take the same approach. I keep it simple. I tried adding the extra mushrooms one year and heard some grumbles from my brother and nephew. Since they are my biggest fans when it comes to the green bean casserole, I nixed them the following year.
Somebody will miss you, missing Phyllis.
All the stars to whoever did her gorgeous eye makeup.
Honestly, it may be the wig skewing my perspective, but this looks like a white man at Halloween in poorly applied makeup trying to do blackface.