Noisy Pip

Wow! I would *not* have guessed they stand at the top of the murder list. I do like his phrasing that they lose their minds before murder, so at least we know they just needed better medication.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure where the gif is from.  Definitely a game, as evidenced by the mini-map, but not one I’ve played.  

2. He wants to be in a position to set laws and judge people that can affect American citizens for possible generations to come, yet he refuses to allow himself to be judged.

I like the idea of scrolling down “too far” triggering a complete crash on the system. I mean, I don’t *like* it, but that is often what seems to trigger the issue. I’ll open a hot article and try to read the 200+ comments and bam, I’ve broken everything.

Thank you! Interesting that you’ve had the error here. This is the one site I’ve not experienced it on...yet. I’ll try turning off my adblocker for a few days (and hopefully not get a migraine induced by all the ridiculous flashing ads) and see what happens.

Thank you! It seems I do need to at least pause my adblocker. The strange thing is that I’ll get a similar error when browsing on my phone, which doesn’t have any type of adblocker.

I’m curious if anyone is getting this same glitch I’ve been getting for the last couple of weeks. Each day, one of the GMG sites won’t load for me. Today it is The Root, yesterday it was Gizmodo. The page will start to load, but after a second or so, the images don’t fill and my ad blocker will freak out while the

The best ones are the ones that are slightly stale and that won’t break your teeth when you crunch them. Ahem, at least that’s what my friend says. He lives in Niagra Falls. You wouldn’t know him.

Full belly cackle.  I wish I had more stars to give.

That clip is the gift that keeps on giving!   

Fascinating. I’ve read The Stand many a time and never came away with that impression. I need another reread soon and will see if I take more away from her than a messenger for and an instrument of God.

That’s where I originally knew her from and Charlotte is so unpleasant, I found the actress unattractive and kind of intimidating with her fierce face.


Sadly, someone just couldn’t withstand the urge to reply to it.  Flag and dismiss, always!  

I think his mouth, in general, and his smile, specifically, are divine.  I get it.

Perfect metaphor is perfect.  From one bag head to another.  

I had no idea she was gorgeous until I finally watched Thor: Ragnarok.

And oral, and just the tip, don’t ya know?  It’s the evangelical way!

“And the girls from the schools I went to...”