Noisy Pip

I hadn’t seen that one yet.  Perfection.

Big star for the 9 to 5 reference! 

I’ve been wondering why we’re suddenly not hearing about those witnesses any longer.

I think it was on The AV Club where I recently learned how she died and, yeah...I immediately went to fact check because there was no way it was true.  It was.  

Julia Garner did an amazing job in S2, no doubt. I think my appreciation of her performance was slightly soured because of the frustration with her refusal to drill it into her Daddy’s head that he’s a tiny fucking fish in the waters she swims in these days.

I’m guessing my tastes are less discerning. Sad face.

And here I just assumed the 3D printer had a toner glitch.

Not to mention it would lesson the horror we all have to face each day by knowing he is president.  We should have to feel the horror, if only to remind us to VOTE VOTE VOTE.

I wonder if her sleight of hand stunt earned her a promotion and now she gets to travel on the big plane?

Speed, definitely, for years and years on end.

Even the most mundane photos of him make my skin crawl.

It almost looks like the one who replaced our hero in plaid is none other than the white power symbol flasher from the Kavanaugh hearings earlier this week, no?  

No love for Ozark here? Maybe Season 2 wasn’t released early enough to make the cut?

What surprises me most about the “wardrobe malfunction” is that they are still sticking to the story that this wasn’t a planned part of their performance?

That was back in nineteen-dickety two, as I recall.  Of course, the Kaiser had stolen our word for twenty and we called nickles bees.  Gimme five bees for a quarter, you’d say.  

Although he never quite reached the same level as Rafa, David Ferrer, also from Spain, is the only player I’ve seen who chases down the ball with the same ferocity and tenacity as Rafa.

I think I missed that one on it’s original airing, but it does the trick, too.  

That was amazing.

I’m a big old sappy sap and this ad got me kind of choked up.