Noisy Pip

Exactly. “I’m just voicing my opinion”...that I volunteer to shoot people.

She sings like her tongue is three sizes too big for her mouth, or possibly she has a mouth full of marbles.

Cut the “pretty” for added accuracy.

It couldn’t have been written better.

The claim that Don Jr has a viable chin is simply false.

Thank you for dismissing them! I generally read all the greys, being a grey myself, but they’ve been increasing their numbers over the last ten days or so. I hate that people can’t resist the urge to reply. These are not people who want to argue in good faith; let them die in silence as they should.

The Gem Saloon had a full-time barber. Just sayin’ 🤓

He didn’t answer the most important question, which is why his hair is so inscrutably long in the back.

That’s the exact statement that gave me pause, but I came to the same conclusion you did.

Granted, I was primed for this having first read the article, but I didn’t find it difficult at all to correctly identify all given statements as fact or opinion.

This hit so hard I am in tears. Thank you for defying your low battery to share the quote. <3

I don’t even notice them as much in the downtown area as I do in the suburbs. A family member lives in Bothell, and I mean not near the freeway Bothell, but off the beaten path, and these bikes are everywhere out there. Side streets where I rarely see pedestrians, let alone people on bikes, and they are on every

I can’t stop looking at their faces the still of the video above. 

Less OW with the Vaseline, thankfully!

I couldn’t even finish the trailer teaser.

I will give you some advice I was given before I had mine a few years ago.

Seriously. They just *had* to start the trailer with that song she sang him. I don’t care if it’s a hokey trick to make me cry; it works, because all I can hear is her singing in the original. And, now I’m in tears again.

Four notes into the opening song and my throat began to tighten and my eyes got the sting of tears. Nope. I can’t even finish the trailer.

I keep wondering the same thing. I’ve heard it repeated over and over, but am (admittedly) ignorant of the actual rules.

They are far and few between, but the ones they use are damn effective.