Would they absolutely not forgive you if you went solo? If so, glue yourself to Overwatch and make yourselves a weekday date to go see Hereditary when your SO returns to town.
Would they absolutely not forgive you if you went solo? If so, glue yourself to Overwatch and make yourselves a weekday date to go see Hereditary when your SO returns to town.
I’m trying and failing on not believing all the Hereditary hype. We have our tickets for Sunday, but I wish I could have made it happen tonight. I can’t remember the last time I was so eager to see a movie.
Not that comedies don’t have their place, but horror should get a seat at the table, too.
I’m so disappointed I didn’t get to play that one. I started with Honest Hearts, then went to Dead Money and, due to being stuck on Dead Money, I never got to the other two.
It would be super awesome if people would quit replying to them, too.
Clifton Collins Jr
It wasn’t that I couldn’t fight my way through, it was that my map marker kept sending me in circles and I wasn’t able to find a way to get where it wanted me to go. I remember being incredibly frustrated at the time and poring through walkthrough guides to try to see where I had gone wrong, but it seemed to be a…
I got stuck on one of the DLC add-ons and was never able to finish it up to get back to New Vegas. I had already finished two full playthroughs, so I just kind of left the game stuck outside the Sierra Madre casino.
I do remember them being pretty difficult on the low levels, and they probably killed me more often than not until I started to get to the glorious overpowered levels where I prefer to play. I go into my Pip Boy a lot, so I almost always had a recent save, thankfully.
Fine. You have convinced me! I will give New Vegas another playthrough, but I’m still going to mow down every last one of those Caesar’s Legion bastards on sight.
My personal favorite, especially the shouty one. GARY!
If you are loving and feeling Imajica, I am certain you will find Weaveworld at least equally satisfying. Weaveworld was my first Clive Barker novel, so it will always hold that top spot, but Imajica is just as much of a journey.
“Still loved it, still have to sleep with the light on 5 days after seeing it.”
“Can u get pregante” makes me laugh every single time and I’ve watched this no less than a hundred times.
They do kind of highlight which apple juice brand Jezzie buys him, as he hates Red Cheek while she believes it is his favorite.
I had to do some deep stretching and limber up to twist myself enough to find a plausible spin that wasn’t a direct comment on Serena’s looks and what I’ve come up with still doesn’t say any good things about this interviewer.
I feel like it really isn’t too much to ask that he one day be forced to stand only in his pee-stained tighty-whiteys in front of a massively booing crowd while being pelted with both rotten fruit and diapers full of baby shit.
Even though she more or less won me over in her final scene, I’m ok if we lose Kristin Chenoweth as Easter.