No way Rex Tillerson is 5'10". He looks to be maybe 5'7"/5'8" at most, which would put Sessions right around 5'4" by my guess.
You’re definitely not alone. I hated this movie, but I don’t care much for his writing, either. I acknowledge that many people love him and hold him up as a hero; I just don’t happen to be one of them and wasn’t even in my heavy drug using days.
My birthday was May 12 (or whenever) and I specifically requested this show be canceled as my birthday wish. You can’t just go and REVERSE a birthday wish, you know.
Those are unfair labor practices, as far as I can tell. I’m calling my union rep and I’ll start a picket line.
I’m curious. Was it the burning popcorn smell (from people who don’t have the patience to wait near the microwave and overset the time) or just the strong smell of popcorn in general that was the issue?
Skip the sitcoms and go straight to the goods.
I was trying to figure if she was imitating what she thought he might sound like or if that was her accent. Either way, I welcome the internet justice she surely has coming her way.
Nick Offerman is so cemented as Ron Fucking Swanson in my head that it’s disorienting to see him in normal clothing. Where are your khakis, Nick?
I feel for her. I’m happy to report I try to never be the squeaky wheel, but I fear I’m in the minority there.
Barron and Tiffany probably won’t get much in his will, but they are lucky enough to have chins, unlike his other three offspring.
My current 2012 Ford SUV has no less than six recalls. I’ve received notices for them all with a statement that my dealership will contact me when they have the items in stock. So far? Zero follow up from the dealership.
I overuse this word, but that was wholesome and delightful. I watched it with a stupid grin on my face and chuckled pretty much every time Pig Pen’s dust cloud filled the screen.
I also have an unholy love for popcorn, but it does serve a purpose, too.
One of the tire store chains around here has free popcorn and it is the only reason I don’t pass out from the smell of rubber when I stop in to get a flat fixed. Popcorn smell > new tire smell.
Does anyone else get a young Mariel Hemingway vibe from Elle Fanning?
I have both, even! Alas, they lack the verbal affirmations I need when a movie is truly scary. Thankfully, there aren’t many movies that meet the mark.
People! People! Let’s not fight. I will eat them all equally until my teeth fall out or I die.