Noisy Pip

A girl has to eat! I don’t fault her for sticking to where her fan base was strongest.

I love the song included above and it looks like Spotify has her whole discography. I know what I’ll be listening to for the second half of my day.  

I was a fan of both Happy Days and Leather Tuscadero! Between her and my Joan Jett fascination in my adolescence, I’m still not quite sure how I ended up dating men, but there it is.

Now I’m curious - is Suzi Quatro Australian? (Yes, I know I can Google it and yes, I will as soon as I’m finished typing this reply.)

Holy shiz. Thank you for reminding me that Suzi Quatro ever existed.

That is her in the header image, but it isn’t as recent as the Met Gala photos with the long black hair.

For me, I think it’s mostly because I was already invested in Danny Torrance. The Shining wasn’t the first Stephen King book I read, but it was in the first few. (The Dead Zone was my first, given to me by my great-grandmother when I was about 11. Either The Shining or Pet Semetary was next, likely right when it was

I think the one about the girl at the graduation party is from Just After Sunset.

Full Dark, No Stars was good, no doubt. It was also one of the grimmest things I’ve ever read, and I read the news daily.

After reading your comment, I read a quick synopsis of the last three. I had said it was only the last two that had things I...disagreed with, but it was actually the last three.

Back in the olden days of the 1980s, I attended a few birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Yes, it was around back in the 80s and the animatronics probably haven’t been updated or washed since smoking was allowed indoors.

In the interest of staying spoiler-free, I will say that I agree wholeheartedly about the hating it, then considering, rereading the entire series, and finally being ok with the ending.

Same here! I may have read it just short of my driver’s license when the book was released, but I inherited a love of driving, especially off the beaten path driving, from my Dad. Even before I was the one behind the wheel, I was the number one navigator.

You’ve reminded me that I also have a Stephen King favorite short story. “Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut” from Skeleton Crew.

Honestly, there are very few that aren’t worth a read if you don’t take your books, and maybe yourself, too seriously. From A Buick 8 is on the very short list of Stephen King books I didn’t enjoy too much, and if you made it through that, I would safely say you would find something in every one of them.

Good Boy for President melts me every time.

You know it’s coming. You can’t stop it...

And confirmed.

Perhaps, but he did neither in this interview.

I’m not even sure of the origin of it. I just did a gif search for “racing to the bottom” and that was the most appropriate hit.