That sounds fair. My people had a good run, but our time is probably about done anyway.
We had exactly the opposite reaction. BF paused the show to make a point about something or another and, upon realizing there was only one minute left, I thought he was going to start weeping.
I can’t bring myself to watch the whole video above, but “Anna Wintour” is solid.
The first time it happened, I was the one to discover the fire and there were actual flames shooting out the top of the toaster oven. Despite the bi-annual fire safety training at our laboratory, I panicked and ran to the closest office. “Are you cooking breakfast? Because the kitchen is on fire!”
“Great in a crisis”…
I have yet to work in an office environment where someone does not set the toaster oven on fire, thus ruining it for everyone who isn’t SO BUSY AND IMPORTANT that they can either wait around for their food to finish or to set a timer on their phone.
I wish I did have a recommendation or two .Because of my no-horror partner, I don’t often see new ones. I did love The Invitation and will add the others you recommended to my list. If they’re not straight horror, I can usually get him to give them a try.
You may be onto something...
Fascinating. Either I missed the previous comment or had forgotten it, but it is a really interesting theory. I was lucky, in that I had a relatively well-adjusted and trauma free childhood, but I was a child filled with fears of “monsters” around every corner. To this day, I can’t abide a bed frame because of my fear…
No specific meetup planned through here, per se, but I did find two friends of a friend who are super into horror movies and we have a date to go see Hereditary the weekend it releases (2nd weekend in June). I don’t know yet where it will be playing, but sincerely, anyone would be welcome. We aren’t exceptionally…
You and I may be the only two to have seen it and found it so upsetting. To me, it was just too real.
I’ll buy that it is more consistent even as I shudder that any human not physically involved in a pregnancy can have any overreaching say in what the outcome of said pregnancy should be.
Hear, hear!!
This will never not make me laugh.
If you’re in the Seattle area, you are officially invited to join us! I found my horror buddy where I didn’t expect it, so keep asking everyone you know and someone may surprise you. If not, I’d barge right in on your brother’s plans, if I were you. I’d demand to come along using tears and bribery, if necessary.
She’s also a woman who needs to understand which hairstyles and lipstick shades do and do not work for her face.
The extended clip over on Jezebel was even more telling as even their bodies remain immobile and frozen as they realize he is totally off the rails.
Watching them strain to keep their faces expressionless was a definite treat! The blond guy gave it away right before the clip ends with a head twitch that may have started as a shudder, tho.